The biggest hurdle you have is convincing the interviewers that you are not going to pack up and leave. You need to show lasting commitment.
If it was not your choice to have the break, maybe you had to look after a relative or suffered illness, always be positive. Did you overcome something personal? Maybe learnt a new skill while on the break? These are all positive endings to what can be sad beginnings.
Be succinct when talking about the reason for the break and always divert attention to your previous work experience. However, one common pitfall made when returning to work is talking about your life before the break as if it was centuries ago. Obviously it is in the past but do not labor the point. Rather than referring to years, just refer to the task. You do not want to highlight how long you have been away from the workforce.
It is important for anyone to research the company they are interviewing for but this is especially important when it comes to career breaks. You need to prove that you are as sharp as someone who has been doing the job continuously and that you know all there is to know about the company and the sector they are in.