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“Recruiter Frequently Asked Questions in various Recruiter job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

35 Recruiter Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain me what are your minimum salary requirements?

Very few applicants indicate their salary requirements on the front end for fear that they’ll overprice themselves and be ruled out. But, if possible, I try to at least get them to give me a salary range. This way, if they’re way over my budget, I don’t waste my time or theirs.


22⟩ Tell me how do you treat candidates who don’t get the job?

Recruiters are often incentivized on how many reqs they close and the time in which they close them. Hence, some short-sighted recruiters often forgo providing a great candidate experience to the candidates they reject, and instead focus solely on the people who are left.

Instead, the best candidates should make it clear they provide a strong experience to all candidates. For example, emailing candidates who apply, but don’t get an interview. Calling candidates who interview, but don’t get the job. And consistently updating candidates throughout the interview process, so the candidate isn’t left constantly wondering where they stand.


23⟩ Tell us about a time when you had a disagreement at work and how you handled it?

You can expand on this further by asking about a disagreement with a superior and/or a colleague.

I like this question because it gives hiring managers insight into how candidates handle conflict at work. Are they naturally confrontational, quiet and secretly stewing or balanced when it comes to conflict? If they cannot give you an example, they may be hiding something.


24⟩ Explain me about the last two times you used data to help you recruit?

Data is increasingly becoming more and more important in recruiting. It is also a way for recruiters to “swim upstream” and become more strategic partners with their hiring managers, by providing them strong talent pool data on where to recruit and what to expect.

A great candidate should have no trouble listing off the last two times they used data to recruit, perhaps using talent pool or industry reports. Conversely, candidates who have a tough time citing examples of how they use data to recruit are ones who are not using all the tools necessary to be successful.


25⟩ Tell me what is your interviewing process?

My interviewing process has several components. First, and foremost, I watch non-verbal cues such as the candidate's attire, body language, handshake, etc. Next, along with asking standard interview questions I like to ask behavioral questions. I use these questions to assess things like time and stress management and professional accomplishments. Lastly, I use open-ended, non leading questions to find out more about the candidate's personality and see if they would fit well into our company culture.


26⟩ Can you tell us what type of projects do you enjoy working on?

This helps gain deeper insight into candidates’ motivation for their work.

Their answers can help gauge where their interests may align within the scope of the open position, in terms of the immediate needs of the role, and how their strengths can prove effective over the long term.


27⟩ Explain me your relationship with your last three hiring managers?

Studies have found the single biggest factor in being a successful recruiter is consistently building strong relationships with hiring managers. And that means the recruiter acting as a partner in the hiring process, not just an order-taker.

By asking a candidate to walk through their relationship with their last three hiring managers, you’ll get an inside look at how they handle that relationship. Do they describe the relationships as being authoritarian, where the hiring manager was leading the charge and the recruiter was being reactive to their demands?


28⟩ Explain me about at least one significant career achievement?

☛ Hitting or exceeding company goals: achievement-oriented

☛ Mastering a skill: growth-oriented

☛ Helping others: compassionate, possibly management-material

☛ Endless list of accomplishments: if you have to stop them at 15, they might be a bit arrogant.

☛ Hit a hole-in-one: While impressive, this probably has little to do with the position unless the candidate is interviewing to be a golf instructor. Answers like these suggest that work is not a priority or they forgot they were interviewing for a job – either way, red flag.


29⟩ Do you like working with people as Recruiter?

This question is key when it comes to recruiting. “Our product is people, and people are very unpredictable,” Weickgenannt says.

That means you need to understand how to work with all kinds of people. So, to ace this question, communicate that you not only enjoy being a service-oriented team player, but also are skilled at handling the twists and turns of working with a range of personalities.

At the end of the day, Weickgenannt stresses, the most important qualification for a Staffing Recruiter boils down to essentially one quality. “We’re looking for somebody who has very strong interpersonal skills,” she says. “That’s definitely the most important qualification for us. Someone who’s able to connect with others and have strong communication.”


30⟩ Tell me what tools do you prefer to use for recruitment?

I think in such a digital age using technology and social media can be beneficial. I use LinkedIn primarily to find prospective candidates since that platform is geared towards the professional world. Also, I believe strongly in internal hiring. I think it's essential to take full advantage of the resources already available within the company. Additionally, I have a very extensive network to tap into when searching for new hires. I think it's vital to go above and beyond the bare minimum of just posting jobs and expecting the perfect candidate to come along.


35⟩ Explain me how do you like to be managed?

Asking this question helps hiring managers understand the level of responsibility that candidates are comfortable with, and will ultimately allow them to determine if their management style matches candidate expectations.