Ads Posting Manager

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“Ads Posting Manager related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Ads Posting Manager. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

60 Ads Posting Manager Questions And Answers

2⟩ Please explain what goals should we set for each of our social media accounts, and what does success look like?

If their answer is to get as many likes and shares as possible, it may be time to politely end the interview. The path from likes to conversions is more like A to K than A to B, so they should be able to explain what that path looks like for different platforms. For most companies, conversions are always the goal.

The candidate should also be able to help you define success on a strategic and tactical level in order to support your larger marketing and business goals.


3⟩ Explain me what is DSA?

DSA is Dynamic Search Ads which is a feature that creates and show ads for pages on your website without using keywords. Dynamic Search Ads complement your existing keyword-based campaigns to deliver more clicks and conversions with less effort. During pilot testing, most advertisers saw 5-10% more clicks and conversions. Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) brings machine learning to ads and offers advertisers incremental traffic and high performance with no cumbersome keyword management required.


5⟩ Do you know what is the difference between Impression and Conversion?

An Impression is a view of an ad i.e. each time your ad has been viewed counts as an impression while conversion is when a user performs any action on the landing page after clicking on the ad, like shopping or sign-ups. The users who perform the actions are considered to be converted users.


6⟩ Explain me which measurement metric can help you in deciding the campaign type between CPC and CPM?

CTR (Click Through Rate) will help in deciding which campaign type should be followed as higher the CTR, it’s better to go for CPM while if CTR is low , it is better to go for CPC because if you have a low CTR then you would rather only pay for the low traffic that comes to your site. If your CTR is high, then you don’t mind paying CPM – because your cost will not escalate for more and more visitors that come to your site, but will remain the same.


9⟩ Please explain what project or task would you consider as your most significant accomplishment in your career to date?

According to recruiting expert and author Lou Adler, this is the only interview question that matters. It's also the single best interview question for determining whether to hire someone. Lou spent 10 years studying and coming to this determination, so he deserves credit - follow the link to see his rationale.


10⟩ Tell us what are your thoughts on Google+?

There are several schools of thought on this matter, and there is no right answer. As of this writing, G+ should be used mostly for SEO purposes and local search results if nothing else. It’s a strange and fine line to consider this platform as a pure social network - it doesn’t seem to hold much weight. But the additional effects of using it are still powerful.


11⟩ Please explain what are our competitors doing in social media?

Again, this helps to identify if they did any proper research before the interview. While a full answer is not necessary ahead of time, it should show you how the social activities of your business compare to your competitors. When hiring a social media manager, you want them to be aware of what’s going on in the industry, and a true professional will have this covered.


12⟩ Behavioral Ads Posting Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ What brands inspire you? Why do you think their campaigns are effective?

☛ How do current trends in the advertising industry inform your work?

☛ Which of our clients would you like to work with? Why?

☛ What sets us apart from our competitors?

☛ Describe the clients you’re working with now. Are they B2B? B2C?

☛ Describe a time you had to sell something.

☛ What would you consider your most creative work in this field?

☛ How do you prioritize your workload with multiple clients?

☛ Describe a time your client disagreed with the marketing strategy. How did you handle it?

☛ What systems have you used to stay on budget with your projects?

☛ How would you rate yourself on meeting deadlines?

☛ How does your current team handle reporting and analytics?

☛ Talk about some integrated campaigns you’ve worked on. Which channels did you use and why?

☛ What is your experience with offline channels? How have you integrated them with online channels?

☛ Describe a time you worked with a team towards a shared goal.


14⟩ Can you tell me which social media tools do you use?

Leave this question open-ended, just as it is phrased above. Your company may already have a social media management tool in place or you may be looking for a recommendation. If they're only familiar with free software that does nothing more than allow them to schedule posts to Facebook and Twitter, it's not a good sign. Ask them why they like or don't like different tools and which features they use most.


16⟩ Top Ads Posting Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ Which social media network do you mostly use in your personal life and why?

☛ Describe an effective promotional campaign through social media. What was your role and what did you do to make this campaign successful?

☛ How do you stay on top of new trends and features?

☛ How have you managed to raise brand awareness using social media? Mention specific examples from your previous positions (e.g. competitions and ads.)


18⟩ Sample Ads Posting Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ How would you describe the current advertising field as it stands right now?

☛ What do you see as the future of advertising?

☛ What types of advertising tools have you worked with?

☛ Describe a time that you used an advertising strategy that failed.

☛ Describe some of the advertising strategies/platforms/campaigns you have created.

☛ What types of testing do you use to gauge the effectiveness of your advertising project?

☛ What made you decide to go into advertising?

☛ Do you understand our target market/demographic?

☛ How would you compare advertising today to what it was like 10 years ago?

☛ What do you consider the most effective current form of advertising?

☛ What do you feel most unsuccessful companies lack in terms of advertising?

☛ What do you consider an effective advertisement and how do you evaluate it?

☛ How do you develop your advertising strategies?

☛ What expertise do you have that makes you a better candidate than other applicants?

☛ Do you believe there is such thing as “bad publicity?”


19⟩ Basic Ads Posting Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ If hired, what are the first metrics you would like to see to learn about our current social media strategy?

☛ How would you promote a company event on social media?

☛ If we wanted to attract a younger audience, which network would you prefer to use, and why?

☛ How would you track mentions of our company online?

☛ How would you respond to a troll account?

☛ What would be your reply to a client posting negative comments about the company online?

☛ Why would you choose/not choose to use Facebook paid ads?


20⟩ Fresh Ads Posting Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Twitter to interact with clients?

☛ In which cases do you find Instagram more useful than Facebook or Twitter?

☛ Are you familiar with the latest social media features, like Facebook Live and Instagram Stories? How would you use them?

☛ How do you find out our Facebook followers’ demographics and why they are useful?

☛ What tools do you use to schedule posts?

☛ Do you have experience with Content Management Systems?

☛ How can you tell if an account is bot?

☛ How do you decide optimal times/days to post on social media?

☛ What metrics do you monitor on a daily basis? How do you present them to the Marketing department?