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“Marketing Consultant related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Marketing Consultant. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

52 Marketing Consultant Questions And Answers

5⟩ Tell us how have you dealt with upset or angry customers in the past? Is there anything you would do differently?

If you have first-hand experience talk about this, otherwise say that you have not had to deal with angry customers but if it did arise you would remain calm and professional and listen to the complaint and try to provide a response that addresses their problems. It is important to not take it personally and to always apologise to the customer.


6⟩ Please explain what does customer service mean to you?

Listen for an answer that speaks to the candidate's empathy and appreciation for customers, demonstrates their ability to teach without patronizing, and shows their commitment to contributing to a company's mission by helping and advocating for others.


7⟩ Explain me through every step in a common process?

This is particularly useful when interviewing a customer service rep, where being able to explain step-by-step processes is an essential part of the job. Look for answers that you can understand and follow yourself, as well as steps are detailed and contextualized enough to be helpful for even a brand-new user of your product or service.


12⟩ Basic Marketing Consultant Job Interview Questions

☛ How has your previous experience prepared you for this position?

☛ How do you prioritize when you have to meet different clients under strict deadlines?

☛ How do you prepare your presentations?

☛ What brand or sector would you most want to work for and why?

☛ Describe your previous experience as part of a team. What was your role?

☛ Are you familiar with / Have you ever used our products?

☛ Who do you think our customers are?

☛ How would you advise us to increase our market share?


14⟩ Fresh Marketing Consultant Job Interview Questions

☛ Describe a marketing campaign you worked on that failed. What happened and what did you learn from the experience?

☛ Have you ever suggested a new marketing strategy that the company didn’t want to follow? What happened?

☛ What has been your most significant achievement so far?


15⟩ General Marketing Consultant Job Interview Questions

☛ What is your experience in marketing?

☛ Are you familiar with market analysis and market segmentation?

☛ How familiar are you with statistical analysis software? Name any relevant tools you have used before.

☛ Describe the relationship between content marketing and SEO.

☛ Talk about your experience with mobile marketing.

☛ Between blogs, ebooks, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, what medium would you choose to engage more customers?

☛ Describe the process of positioning.

☛ What steps would you follow to launch a new product within three months?


17⟩ Explain me how would you make our company more profitable?

This question tests critical thinking skills and knowledge of your industry. The answer also enables you to see whether the candidate has researched your business before the interview. Applicants should address key issues your company or industry may be facing. What to look for in an answer:

☛ Applicant's willingness to critique company decisions and processes

☛ Logic, reasoning and problem-solving skills

☛ Knowledge of your company and its mission

I think the company has been incredibly successful within a highly competitive space. The future looks bright, but I think it can be even brighter if the business focuses entirely on the products and services that are delivering the most revenue and highest margins. By shedding products and services with low margins and revenues, you can become a more agile company and achieve greater profits.


18⟩ Explain me how should consultants set prices for projects?

Since companies hire consultants from outside the organization, pricing always enters the discussion. Consultants, especially self-employed ones, should understand how much to charge and be skilled at negotiating rates. Look for an answer that shows the applicant understands a consultant's work is all about the value being brought to the company. What to look for in an answer:

☛ Applicant's understanding of the consultancy industry and what drives pricing

☛ Ability to calculate and track work expenses and profitably price a project

☛ Negotiation and communication skills

Like anything, the market sets the price in consultancy. I believe rates shouldn't be calculated according to hours worked. Instead, consultants should sell value. For instance, a consultant could price a project based on how much-added revenue it will bring the company. Consultants also have a responsibility to clearly communicate their rates to the client, being sure to take into account the client's budget. Negotiation should be carried out openly and honestly. There is some room for compromise on rates, but consultants must be careful to not go too low just to get the job.


19⟩ Tell me how do you size a market?

In consultancy, market sizing is a vital skill. It's how consultants calculate growth potential. The question is also a good way to see applicants' thought processes and how they use various tools to reach an accurate number. Since this question can be difficult, especially without data and research tools, more attention should be given to the approach used, rather than the actual number. Look for answers that demonstrate quantitative and reasoning skills. What to look for in an answer:

☛ Applicant's critical thinking skills

☛ Commitment to research and data-driven approaches

☛ Ability to identify market opportunities

Within a certain market, I examine population size and the percentage of people that use the product or service. By using surveys, analyzing data and identifying key issues customers are having with the industry, I can also estimate the number of customers we could serve but simply haven't yet.