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“Marketing communication job interview preparation guide for freshers and experienced candidates. Number of Marketing Communication frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many Marketing communication interviews”

27 Marketing Communication Questions And Answers

1⟩ How effectively you think you can work within budgetary constraints in Marketing Communication?

In times of economic strain, this question is most relevant for a marketing professional. As marketing is one of the most important functions within a company, when finances are tight a marketing budget, which may once have been limitless can be squeezed down to close to nothing. This is yet another area which will require a creative answer that also highlights your planning and ambition in terms of working under pressure.


4⟩ What is Marcom?

Marcom is an acronym for “Marketing Communication”. It is a kind of promotional tool using different media like print, radio, television, direct mail, internet to reach target audience for creating awareness about any product/service in the market place.


5⟩ How to use online media for your Marketing Communication activities?

Using online media for Marcom activities is to ensure the maximum reach of the target audience at lower costs and results in increased consumer engagement. And also, it is easy to monitor and measure the results of online media usage. Internet is considered to be the one of the most effective tool in today’s competitive business world.


6⟩ How to get our PR across to people?

One of the main responsibilities of a Marcom person is to ensure the organization and product/brand image to be good in front of the eyes of the consumers. On a timely basis, PR should be used to create awareness to the public in relation to the events happening in the company such as new product launch, product relaunch, sponsoring consumer events, participation in trade shows and exhibitions etc.


7⟩ Explain about Marcom?

Marcom is an acronym for "Marketing Communication". It is a kind of promotional tool using different media like print, radio, television, direct mail, internet to reach target audience for creating awareness about any product/service in the market place.


8⟩ What are the various responsibilities of a person working in Marcom?

The various responsibilities of a person working in Marcom are as follows:

★ Crafting an effective communication messages to the target audience and implementing the same using different media starting from Internet to newsletter

★ Media management and measurement

★ Liaison with creative agency

★ Designing marketing collateral's

★ Sourcing vendors and vendor management

★ Managing market research assignments

★ Web content and corporate website management

★ Training & Development

★ Organizing conferences and other product launch events

★ Active participation in exhibitions/trade shows and

★ Meeting public relations requirements.


10⟩ What important role do events play in Marcom?

The events play the following role in Marcom:

☛ The communication messages are circulated to the mass people irrespective of segments i.e. wide reach

☛ Lower costs

☛ Increases corporate and brand image

☛ In-depth insights about target audience

☛ Global exposure for the new products/services


11⟩ What steps would follow to participate in an event like exhibition or trade-shows?

The following are the steps taken to participate in an event like exhibition or trade show:

☛ Identifying the participation of target audience and know-how of the events

☛ Negotiate stall rates with the organizing partner and finalize

☛ Evaluate the feasibility of internal events budget to justify the participation

☛ Prepare a blue print highlighting the outcomes and measurable objectives out of participating in this event

☛ Getting a formal approval from the authorities to sign off

☛ Prepare the marketing collateral's and negotiating the contract with vendors sourcing it

☛ Creating checklists of all the items to be sent to the organizing event spot/place/location

☛ Allocate required manpower to support the company's stall

☛ Working out the logistics plan on a whole

☛ Train the employees in customer service skills to enhance the maximum footfalls in the stall

☛ Collect the customer's information like name, address, phone number, email id etc. for CRM

☛ Measure and monitor the effectiveness of the event using simple feedback surveys

☛ Document the happenings during the event participation to overcome the gaps for future events in order to get the maximum out of it.

☛ Last but least, showcase the events participation with help of media planning for wider reach by means of product review, press release both online and offline etc.


12⟩ How to use online media for Marcom activities?

Using online media for Marcom activities is to ensure the maximum reach of the target audience at lower costs and results in increased consumer engagement. And also, it is easy to monitor and measure the results of online media usage. Internet is considered to be the one of the most effective tool in today's competitive business world.


13⟩ How would you ensure about your media coverage?

☛ Allocate required manpower to support the company's stall

☛ Working out the logistics plan on a whole

☛ Train the employees in customer service skills to enhance the maximum footfalls in the stall

☛ Collect the customer's information like name, address, phone number, email id etc. for CRM

☛ Measure and monitor the effectiveness of the event using simple feedback surveys

☛ Document the happenings during the event participation to overcome the gaps for future events in order to get the maximum out of it.

☛ Last but least, showcase the events participation with help of media planning for wider reach by means of product review, press release both online and offline etc.

☛ Negotiate stall rates with the organizing partner and finalize

☛ Evaluate the feasibility of internal events budget to justify the participation

☛ Prepare a blue print highlighting the outcomes and measurable objectives out of participating in this event

☛ Getting a formal approval from the authorities to sign off


14⟩ How to get PR across to people?

One of the main responsibilities of a Marcom person is to ensure the organization and product/brand image to be good in front of the eyes of the consumers. On a timely basis, PR should be used to create awareness to the public in relation to the events happening in the company such as new product launch, product relaunch, sponsoring consumer events, participation in trade shows and exhibitions etc.


15⟩ What are the various responsibilities of a person working in Marketing communication?

The various responsibilities of a person working in Marcom are as follows:

Crafting an effective communication messages to the target audience and implementing the same using different media starting from Internet to newsletter

Media management and measurement

Liaison with creative agency

Designing marketing collaterals

Sourcing vendors and vendor management

Managing market research assignments

Web content and corporate website management

Training & Development

Organizing conferences and other product launch events

Active participation in exhibitions/tradeshows and

Meeting public relations requirements.


18⟩ Tell me what types of marketing campaigns you have run in the past?

Be specific when answering questions about your accomplishments with other companies. By simply stating, "I ran several online marketing campaigns" does not adequately show what you can do for the company.

Provide an example of a marketing campaign (either your own or someone else's) that you consider to have been very successful.

As mentioned above, marketing demands a lot in terms of creativity. When answering questions such as this, it is important to make sure you include as much creative thinking in your response as there was in the actual project. When discussing a campaign that you felt was successful, make sure to include why you feel it was a success, what contributed to making it a success and point out key tactics that you can identify with, which made the campaign successful.


19⟩ Suppose if a marketing campaign that did not work out as you had planned and how you handled the situation?

An interviewer will ask his question in order to assess how you handle a failed plan, as this is quite inevitable. It is important that you are able to recognize the key reasons why a strategy went wrong and what you learnt from the experience.

Campaigns may fail for many different reasons, including: poor research and groundwork, poor planning and follow-through of objectives and goals or ineffective communication. Be open about why the campaign failed, take accountability and focus on what you learnt.