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“HP Quality Center based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Quality Center. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

50 HP Quality Center Questions And Answers

23⟩ Tell me is 'Not covered' and 'Not run' status are same?

No, there is difference between 'Not Covered' and 'Not Run' status.

Not Covered status means all those requirements for which the test cases are not written and Not Run status means all those requirements for which test cases are written but are not run.


24⟩ Do you know the modules of Quality Center?

The Quality Center modules are:

☛ Release Module: Allows us creating a project release. Each release can have multiple cycles.

☛ Requirement Module: Allows us in managing requirements like what we are testing, what are the requirement topics and items and what are the analyzing requirements.

☛ Test Plan: Allows us to write test cases for the requirements in a hierarchical tree-structure.

☛ Test Resources: Allows us in managing test resources. Tests resources can be associated with tests.

☛ Test lab: Allows us to run tests and analyze the results.

☛ Defect Module: Allows us to log all the failed test cases results.

☛ Dashboard: Allows us to create graphs and reports.


27⟩ Explain what is Matching Defects?

Matching Defects helps us to find and eliminate duplicate or similar defects in project. There are two methods to search of similar defects.

☛ Finding similar Defects which compare a selected defect with all other existing defects in project.

☛ Finding similar Text which compares a specific test string against all other existing defects in project.


28⟩ Explain what is meant by test lab in Quality Center?

Test lab is a functionality of Quality center using which we execute tests. We create test trees and add tests to those trees and placed them under test plan in a project. These tests then needs to imported in the Test lab module where Quality center executes them.


29⟩ Explain what is Unattached Folder in Test Plan?

When we delete a folder or test from the test plan tree there are two ways. We can delete only folder or we can delete that folder, its sub folder and test also. When we delete only folder, all the tests under it moved to the unattached folder in the test plan tree.


31⟩ Tell me how to use Quality Center in real time project?

Following are the steps to use Quality Center in real time project.

☛ Complete the preparation of test cases.

☛ Export the test cases into Quality Center and Load them in the test plan module

☛ Move the test cases from test plan tab to the test lab module.

☛ Execute the test cases and check for the results

☛ If we got any defects and raise the defects in the defect module.


32⟩ Explain how can we export the file from Quality Center to Excel/Word?

A file can be exported from any of the following tab in excel or word format.

☛ Requirement tab:

Right click on main Requirement

Click on export

Save as word, excel or other template.

☛ Test plan tab:

Select a test script.

Click on the design steps tab.

Right click anywhere in the window

Click on export and save as.Note: Only individual test can be exported. No parent child export is possible.

☛ Test lab tab:

Select a child group.

Click on execution grid.

Right click and save in excel or other format.

☛ Defects Tab:

Right click anywhere in the window.

Export all or selected defects.

Save them in excel sheet or any other format.


35⟩ Explain how to map the requirements with test cases in Quality Center?

We can map the requirements with test cases in QC:

1. In the requirements tab select coverage view.

2. Select requirement by clicking on parent/child or grandchild.

3. On right hand side another window will appear. It has two tabs:

(a) Tests coverage

(b) Details

Test coverage tab will be selected by default or you click on it.

4. Click on select tests button a new window will appear on right hand side and you will see a list of all tests. You can select any test case you want to map with your requirements.


36⟩ Tell me how many types of tabs are there in Quality Center?

Following types of tabs are available:

☛ 1. Requirement: Helps in tracking the customer requirements.

☛ 2. Test plan: Helps in designing the test cases and to store the test scripts.

☛ 3. Test lab: Helps in executing the test cases and track the results.

☛ 4. Defect: Helps in logging a defect and to track the logged defects.