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“Lead Generator related Frequently Asked Questions in various Lead Generator job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

79 Lead Generator Questions And Answers

21⟩ Do you know what are the factors that contribute to projecting a positive image of yourself to the customer?

In the telemarketing industry it is critical that you know how to use your voice and choose your words to project a positive image while placing or taking a call. Factors that impact image over the telephone are:

☛ Vocal quality

☛ Vocal tone

☛ Rate of speech

☛ Pitch of the tone

☛ Attitude

☛ Body language

☛ Use of appropriate words


22⟩ Please explain what will you do when a customer needs to be put on hold but is not agreeing to it?

Many times the customer on the end line objects to be put on hold as he fears to be kept long on hold, in such situations following tips can be helpful :

1. Request the customer that it is important that he is put on hold. Make sure this is conveyed in a very polite way.

2. Clear out the objective due to which the line needs to be put on hold.

3. If the customer is very persistent on being on line as a co employee to retrieve the information that requires you to put the line on hold. During this be on line and keep the customer attended.

4. You can also ask the customer to disconnect the line for now and that you will give him a call back.


23⟩ Explain me have you ever been in a customer service role? What were your favorite and least favorite parts?

People who have worked in customer service, retail, or the restaurant industry have undoubtedly dealt with complaints. If the candidate was able to keep their cool under pressure, they're likely well-equipped to field objections and handle rejection as an SDR. In addition, listen for a passion for helping others. They don't have to believe that the customer is always right, but they should maintain that the customer always deserves to be heard and supported.


25⟩ What is “Account Executives” or “Sales”?

“Account Executives” or “Sales”, are quota-carrying reps who close deals. They can be either inside or out in the field. As a best practice, even when a company has an Account Management/Customer Success function, Account Executives should stay in touch with new customers they close past the close until the new customer is deployed and launched.


26⟩ Suppose I talked to three of your customers right now, what are three adjectives they would use to describe you?

This is one of those questions where there’s no right or wrong answer. If you ask this to a handful of people, you’ll probably get a wide range of answers. That’s okay.

Hopefully, one of the adjectives will be something like “helpful.” Helping is the new selling. Clients are savvy enough to make decisions without being sold to. What they really want is someone who can help them solve a problem. Look for adjectives like helpful, consultative, or problem solving.


27⟩ Suppose I’m a prospect and you’re calling me out of the blue. How would you introduce yourself?

Cold calling or lukewarm calling is a big part of any sales job. Unfortunately, it terrifies many people. Ask your interviewee to role play it. If they’re uncomfortable or have never done it before, that will show immediately. If they’re frightened by the idea, you’ll have to decide whether or not training can help them overcome that fear.


28⟩ Explain some of the effective listening strategies that would be helpful in the telemarketing industry?

For survival in the telemarketing industry it is extremely essential that one possesses or acquires the ability to effectively listen and comprehend. Some of the effective listening strategies are as follows:

☛ Understanding yourself

☛ Being yourself

☛ Never losing the personal touch

☛ Your attitude

☛ Be willing to listen

☛ Setting personal goals

☛ Being motivated

☛ Listening actively

☛ Paying attention

☛ Asking questions

☛ Sending appropriate feedback


29⟩ Do you know what is a lead?

Is it an email address that you buy from a list? Probably not. Is it someone who provides a phone number for a white paper download?

Or is it someone who raises their hand and asks for more information about your company and product? Is it someone who has a big enough budget and the proper authority to buy your product?

Before you can really generate a “lead,” you should create a universal lead definition and make sure all the key players in your company (this usually includes Sales) to agree on what you’re actually trying to get.

Keep in mind, there is an implicit trade-off here. If you want to generate higher-quality leads, you will likely get a lower quantity (and vice versa) or have to invest more resources to get the leads.

On the flip side, if you’re generating a lot of low-quality leads, the cost will probably get you when you send them to Sales, in both man hours and the relationship between Sales and Marketing, because Sales tends to involve more human resources.

Marketing, on the other hand, tends to involve less human touch, whether that’s due to marketing automation or the simple fact that a print ad can reach many more people at a much lower cost than a sales person.

Getting this step right can also help your Sales-Marketing alignment. In other words, making sure everyone involved in serving the customer before a purchase agrees on the strategy and processes to do that.


30⟩ Suppose you had to teach a beginner an advanced concept, how would you approach the task?

After countless hours of product training, salespeople are intimately familiar with their wares. Prospects, on the other hand, have a comparatively cursory understanding of your product -- no matter how much independent research they've done. For this reason, it's important that SDRs are able to explain potentially tricky or confusing topics in clear and simple terms.


32⟩ Tell me how something works. Anything. You pick?

Role play makes a lot of people uncomfortable, but I think it’s one of the most effective ways to find out how skilled a salesperson is. Ask them to explain how their last product or service works Or how fantasy football works. Or how to calculate a golf handicap. Anything, really, that they feel comfortable with.

Are they concise? Can they explain the item clearly? Are they good at offering explanation and also being personable enough to build the relationship?


33⟩ Professional Lead Generator Job Interview Questions

☛ What quality controls do you have in place?

☛ What type of reporting do you do and can I see samples?

☛ How many reps do you have? How many managers and non-reps? (look for heavy overhead)

☛ What is your annual attrition rate for reps and managers? (use LinkedIn Company Pages to see for yourself)

☛ What is the average tenure of your reps?

☛ What is your reps' experience in general outbound sales?

☛ What is your reps' experience in your industry ?

☛ How do you pay your reps?

☛ Are they incented for Quality or Quantity?

☛ Can I talk to your newest rep and longest serving rep?

☛ Can we come for a site visit?

☛ During the site visit can I just sit on the floor for an hour and listen?

☛ What technologies do you use? CRM? Autodialers? Power dialers?

☛ Do your reps use email? If so, how?

☛ How do you help your clients measure the success of the programs?

☛ Where do you get your lists?

☛ Who are your closest competitors?

☛ Can I have an example of a project that failed, and why?

☛ Can I have an example of a project that has succeeded?

☛ (After hearing the two examples, ask for references at both companies)

☛ How do you manage client calendars so that appointments are set during available times?

☛ What is your pricing model? Pay for performance? Monthly fee?

☛ What is your lead acceptance criteria, what makes a billable meeting, how do we reject a meeting and why would we?

☛ How do you manage east coast/west coast time zones

☛ Do you outsource or offshore any of your work?

☛ How do you create your messaging? Do you work from scripts?

☛ What is your startup process?

☛ When do we see our first leads?

☛ When we get a lead/meeting, what do we get? Can you provide us a sample?


34⟩ Phone Based Typical Lead Generation Specialist interview questions

☛ Did you have faults as a leader? Describe the situation.

☛ How would you describe your work style?

☛ If you were interviewing someone for Lead Generation Specialist position, what traits would you look for?

☛ What will you miss about your present or last job?

☛ What would be your ideal working environment?

☛ What percentage of your time is spent doing each function?

☛ Do you work well under pressure?

This Lead Generation Specialist interview questions contains Communication skills testing, Individual, Final, Group job interview questions.


35⟩ My First Lead Generation Specialist interview questions

☛ How do you keep yourself and your teammates motivated?

☛ What type of work environment do you prefer?

☛ What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

☛ What do you think this Lead Generation Specialist position involves.

☛ What personal weakness has caused you the greatest difficulty in school or at work?

☛ Your greatest weakness in school or at work?

☛ Which of your jobs had the most rapid change?

This Lead Generation Specialist interview questions contains Final, Unstructured, Individual, Communication skills testing job interview questions.


36⟩ General Lead Generation Specialist interview questions

☛ How do you reach a decision if you don't have all the facts?

☛ What is good customer service?

☛ Do you know anyone who works as Lead Generation Specialist at this company?

☛ Where do you see yourself in five years time?

☛ What do you think of your previous boss?

☛ How would your teacher or other Lead Generation Specialist describe you?

☛ Describe some ideas that were implemented.


37⟩ Face to Face Lead Generation Specialist interview questions

☛ How do you make the decision to delegate work?

☛ Why did you apply for this Lead Generation Specialist position?

☛ What kinds of things really get your excited?

☛ What is the most difficult situation you have faced?

☛ Describe the most difficult scheduling problem you have faced at Lead Generation Specialist position.

☛ Would you rather write a report or give it verbally?

☛ What is your greatest achievement outside of work?

Prior to any interview, you should have a list mentally prepared of your greatest strengths. Let the interviewer know that you focus on getting the most important things done first. The interviewer wants to see why you think you are the best person for the job.


38⟩ Informational Lead Generation Specialist interview questions

☛ Example when you went above and beyond the call of duty.

☛ What interests you about this Lead Generation Specialist position?

☛ Example of a time you have placed yourself in a leadership position.

☛ What have you learned from your mistakes?

☛ What has been your most successful Lead Generation Specialist experience in speech making?

☛ Tell me a suggestion you have made that was implemented.

☛ How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?


39⟩ General Lead Generator Job Interview Questions

☛ What is ASA? What does it offer to companies?

☛ What are market connections?

☛ How are market connections used to establish their status in market?

☛ How to find out the client type with which the company is working?

☛ How to check about the calling status and dependency of the company on consumers?

☛ What is the purpose of auto dialer?

☛ When to use auto dialer?

☛ What are the methods through which the customers are charged to avail the services?

☛ What is the difference between commission and pay per appointment?

☛ What are the differences between tele-sales and telemarketing?

☛ What are the tools available to compare the telemarketing result with mail shots?

☛ What are the provisions does ASA provide for delivering the project on behalf of clients?

☛ What are the rules and regulations ASA follows for their projects?

☛ How can one manage sales for a company?

☛ How does a company become aware of the requirements of the customers?

☛ What are the two major categories that are used with telemarketing?

☛ What is the difference between outbound and inbound?

☛ What are the negative impacts associated with telemarketing?

☛ What are the regulations that are being formed on the use of telemarketing?

☛ What does one understand by outsourcing the telemarketing activities?

☛ What are the optimizations methods used for telemarketers?

☛ What are the different types of scripts used in telemarketing?

☛ How to persuade customers to take up the product even if they are not interested?

☛ Why telemarketers should know about the process of catalog creation?

☛ Why is telemarketing associated with various types of scams and frauds?


40⟩ Basic Lead Generation Specialist interview questions

☛ Did you have a strategic plan as Lead Generation Specialist?

☛ How do you define your key team members?

☛ Give an example when you had to explain a complex technical issue to someone.

☛ How do you see your job relating to the overall goals?

☛ Tell about a time that you had to adapt to a difficult situation.

☛ Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.

☛ Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?