Strategy Methods

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“Strategy Methods Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that how to set corporate strategy directions and Methods of Development a strategy of organization, so learn more about Strategy Development Methods with the help of this Strategy Methods Interview Questions with Answers guide”

32 Strategy Methods Questions And Answers

21⟩ What are the reasons for finding strategy methods useful for trust worthy behavior?

Researchers find the strategy method useful for several reasons:

☛ It allows the researcher to observe behavior at rarely-reached decision nodes.

☛ It is convenient for use in statistically representative surveys and field experiments, where households may be sampled through the mail or in personal or telephone interviews.

☛ Because the strategy method requires respondents to think about possible reactions in different situations, it might better reflect their behavior in the field, outside the artificial environment of the laboratory.


24⟩ Profitability analysis for assessing the acceptability of a strategy include

* A) Return on capital employed, ratio analysis, funds flow analysis

* B) Return on capital employed, payback period, and discounted cashflow

* C) Payback period, discounted cashflow, and decision trees

* D) Ranking, decision trees and scenarios

B) Return on capital employed, payback period, and discounted cashflow


26⟩ What is the basic concepts business strategy?

Nowadays companies foster an identity of the company by formulating a mission. The mission can be supported by the articulation of typical four company values. The company identity is used for branding: what is the image of the company, how is the company perceived by the market, its customers and its shareholders. The mission and company values tend to be very generic, providing a direction to managers and employees. The leaders in the company formulate a vision: what value can the company bring to the world, what role can the company play. The vision tends to be more market domain specific and will evolve over time. A true vision is a powerful instrument, uniting the company employees by a shared vision. Unfortunately, too many visions are the result of a mechanistic process. The creation of a vision depends on leaders with the ability to combine a huge amount of context data in a sensible picture. A poor vision might result in ghost hunting or lack of cohesion in the organization.


28⟩ Acceptability assessment concerns

* A) The expected performance outcomes, such as risk, return, and stakeholder reactions, if a strategy is implemented

* B) The resources and competences required to implement the strategy

* C) The strategic fit of the strategy to the future trends and changes in the environment

* D) The stakeholder reaction to a strategy

A) The expected performance outcomes, such as risk, return, and stakeholder reactions, if a strategy is implemented


31⟩ Assessing the suitability of a strategy concerns

* A) Whether, a strategy addresses the circumstances in which an organization is operating

* B) The relationship between the intended strategy and the potential outcome

* C) Whether a strategy meets stakeholder expectations

* D) Key resource issues

A) Whether, a strategy addresses the circumstances in which an organization is operating