Programming Concepts

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112 Programming Concepts Questions And Answers

2⟩ Explain the difference between update, verify and debug mode?

These definitions are for winrunner Run modes

Verify: When ever we want to check the behavior of an application and to save the result we use verify run mode

update: When ever we want to create a new expected results for GUi checkpoints and Bitmap checkpoint we use update run mode

Debug: When ever we want to run a script after update without any errors in syntax we use Debug run mode


8⟩ Tell me what is the difference between collision domain and broad cast domain?

A collision domain is a logical area in a computer network where data packets can "collide" with one another, in particular in the Ethernet networking protocol. The more collisions in a network the less efficient it is.

A broadcast domain is a logical area in a computer network where any computer connected to the computer network can directly transmit to any other in the domain without having to go through a routing device.


11⟩ Explain what is the use of == and equals() method?

The == operator compare whether two object references are refer to the same instance or not.

The equals() method compare the characters(contents) of two String object.


String a="Hai";

String b="Hai";

String c=new String("Hai");

System.out.println(a==b); //True

System.out.println(a==c); //False

System.out.println(a.equals(b)); //True

System.out.println(a.equals(c)); //True


15⟩ Do you know hows do electrons travel through a lightning bolt?

Generally, lightning is negatively charged. During thunderstorms. The Earths is recharged and its surface becomes good conductor of electricity. The Earth is charged negatively and the atmosphere is charged positively. Electrons flow upwards from the entire surface of the Earth. Thunderstorms help transfer the negative charges back to Earth.


16⟩ How to delete a entire linked list?

You delete a linked list by iterating through the list and deleting the nodes one by one.

Begin at the head

Get address of first node

Get address of next node

Delete first node

Do not to access next of the current node after deleting the current node.

Move next node to first node


If the list is empty, the head pointer will be NULL.


17⟩ What is race around condition?

A race around condition is a fault in the process or a system where the output or the result of the process is critically and unexpectedly dependent on the timing of other events. Race condition especially occurs in multithreaded or in distributed systems.


20⟩ Tell me why constructors does not supports visual functions?

Constructor does not support virtual functions because we need an object to invoke a virtual method in the first place and more over constructors are used to initializing objects,which is a static type.Virtual functions are invoked on the dynamic type of the object,hence the object may not be properly initialized when a constructor call is made.Since the derived part of the object would not be initialized during the execution of base class constructor,hence calling any virtual method from base class constructor does not work well.