101⟩ Explain how do we solve conflict scenario with business clients? explain?
I would like to slightly repharce this quesion as, How can we handle indifference of opinion in the requirements?
Usually when we interact with the client as a representative of our organnization, one important this we need to follow is setting the right expectation even before we start gathering the requirements. When i say setting the right expectations, it means, making the client aware of your organizatations resource availability, technology areas, domain expertise, able to handle changes,etc.
And as the saying goes, "Talk to Resolve" most of the clients are open to discssion in the current industry trend, so sit and negotiate with your client and make him understand your organization capabilites.
The other way of resolving confilt is, implementing a strong change management process with in the software development life cycle.
As your question was very subjective, i could answer you at an 10,000 ft level. If you have any further questions,please let us share and discuss.