Programming Concepts

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112 Programming Concepts Questions And Answers

81⟩ I want to run UNIX script from windows batch file that will connect automatically to UNIX with username and password. Can anybody help me how I can write the script file?

If you are looking at connecting to a *nix machine from windows then you can very well use a windows batch file. The latest windows scripting package provides pretty powerful tools similar to *nix scripting.Or you can try installing Cygwin which will provide the windows port of *nix tools that are usually used in *nix scripts.But if you are running it from windows then the best one would be to write a windows batch file.


98⟩ Suppose if GET method is less secure than POST method then why they introduced GET method.and well use only POST method alone. Wats the need for GET here?

Using GET method form data is appended to URL while using POST method it is transferred in the message body.

GET method is intended for information retrieval. It should be used to retrieve information that do not change state of server.

For functions such as login, POST method is preferable due to security reasons.


99⟩ How do u go about gathering the requirements?

Requirement gathering is an art rather than a science. First it depends upon at what level you are talking about. Generally speaking, requirements gathering follows Top-Down Approach. It also depends upon your level in the SDLC cycle. There are different ways of gathering requirements. Generally accepted methods are:

1. Intereviewing Techniques.

2. Case Study methods.

3. Joint Application Development Method.

4. Application Explorer method.

5. Brain Stroming approach,etc.

There are also different tools used for requirement gathering like, UML, Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio, Recruitment Matrix,etc.