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“Travel Consultant Frequently Asked Questions in various Travel Consultant job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

70 Travel Consultant Questions And Answers

3⟩ Tell me how do you think you would add value to this company?

This isn’t an invitation to boast - you are being asked to match your strengths to the qualities needed to do the job. Don’t forget, it’s a very specific question. Why are you suited to this job, as opposed to any other? Thorough employer research will save the day, as it will enable you to match your skills, interests and experience to the job role and the company.


7⟩ Tell us how would you describe yourself?

This is where the interviewer wants to get an idea about YOU as a person. Although you can mention your career strengths it is better to use this to talk about your personality. Whatever you say you need to be honest and genuine. You want the interviewer to feel confident that they are seeing your true personality rather than telling them what you think they want to hear.

Study the job specification carefully before you go to the travel job interview. Often the travel company, airline or hotel group will describe exactly the type of person they are looking for – organized, a team player, dedicated to delivering good service, friendly, positive-minded. If you fit what they want then make sure you say so. If you forget then you may be shooting yourself in the foot.


8⟩ Explain me why did you join the hotel and tourism sector?

There are two things that you can touch upon as an answer to this question. The first relates to the statistics regarding the sector. Tell your interviewers that it is a dynamic sector that is growing at a rapid pace and you want to be in the middle of the boom, the excitement and the energy. However, before saying so, make sure that you have the required data to support your claims. What is the growth rate of the industry? What is the size of the industry? When did the boom start? Who says there is a boom? Basically, doing your homework well is advised. The other aspect that you should always touch upon as an answer to this question is how you and your personality are well suited to this sector. Convince the interviewers that you are made for the industry and the industry is made for you. Talking about basic traits like people skills, patience, ability to work under pressure etc, which are prerequisites to succeeding in the hospitality and tourism sector and how you excel at all these, should constitute a good answer.


10⟩ Explain me about a time you’ve worked with a difficult colleague?

Rather than concentrating on their bad traits or why you didn’t get on, you need to focus how you overcame the situation and what you learnt from it. Perhaps you have a colleague who is consistently undermining you or you work with a big personality, who hasn’t let you get your point across. Show how you solved this and what the outcome was.


12⟩ Explain me why should I choose a career in Travel and Tourism industry?

In India Travel and Tourism industry is the second highest foreign exchange earner. Career in Travel and Tourism industry offers limitless opportunities to students. This industry provides careers with airlines, hotels, travel agencies, tour operators, tourism departments, car rental companies, transport, banks etc.


15⟩ Explain us what motivates you as Travel Consultant?

For future candidates i would advise for you to have selling skills although it wasn't an essential in the job description the one to one interview definitely focused upon whether you have the experience or not regardless of having a degree. Make sure you know the company well because they like to ask questions on what the candidates know about Travelbag. It is also really helpful if you have traveled long haul as they like first hand knowledge from its staff.


16⟩ Tell me about your hobbies?

Everyone has their own hobbies so this question is pretty straightforward. Sports and fitness, travel and sight-seeing, film, music, languages are all good to mention. Try and demonstrate how your interests will make you particularly well suited for the travel job on offer.


17⟩ Explain me do you have experience?

Working in a travel agency needs you to be patient, efficient, and you are to show your customer service skills. This job can be stressful if you are not mentally and physically ready. There could be a lot of challenges, which only experienced individuals can cope up with. Do you have previous experience? It is the commonest question asked by every employer. You don’t need to tell a lie. If you have prior experience then well and good, but if you don’t have then ask them to give you a chance so that you can prove your skills and can gain some knowledge about how to work in professional environment. They will also ask you

☛ Do you have experience of how to take care of customers?

☛ How will you handle difficult and doubtfull clients?

☛ Have you ever been a client at a travel agency and what type of questions you asked?


18⟩ Explain me what are the career options available to students in travel and tourism industry?

There are a host of opportunities available for students in travel and tourism industry. In travel and tourism industry there is job prospects exist in both public as well as private sector. In the public sector, one can find excellent job in the government tourism departments. On the other hand, in the private sector student can find employment in a travel agencies, hotels, airlines, transport and cargo companies etc.


19⟩ Tell us what auxiliary work have you performed in this role in the past?

Apart from providing travel consultancies, I have been actively involved in providing clients with support in securing accommodation, arranging for extended travel through other means, such as trains and cars, and have provided education to them regarding cultural and religious sentiment in their destination countries.