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“Sybase Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Sybase became the number two database system behind Oracle, after making a deal with Microsoft to share the source code for Microsoft to remarket on the OS/2 platform as SQL Server. So get preparation for the Sybase job or learn basic and advance Sybase with the help of this Sybase Interview Questions with Answers guide”

123 Sybase Questions And Answers

41⟩ We have lost the sa password, what can we do?

Remember Douglas Adams famous quote "Don't panic" is the first thing!

I know that most people use the 'sa' account all of the time, which is fine if there is only ever one dba administering the system. If you have more than one person accessing the server using the 'sa' account, consider using sa_role enabled accounts and disabling the 'sa' account. Funnily enough, this is obviously what Sybase think because it is one of the questions in the certification exams.

If you see that someone is logged using the 'sa' account or is using an account with 'sa_role' enabled, then you can do the following:

sp_configure "allow updates to system tables",1


update syslogins set password=null where name = 'sa'


sp_password null,newPassword



42⟩ Does Table Partitioning Require User-Defined Segments in Sybase?

No. By design, each table is intrinsically assigned to one segment, called the default segment. When a table is partitioned, any partitions on that table are distributed among the devices assigned to the default segment.

In the example under "How Do I Create A Partitioned Table That Spans Multiple Devices?", the table sits on a user-defined segment that spans three devices.


43⟩ How Do I Choose Which Tables To Partition in Sybase?

You should partition heap tables that have large amounts of concurrent insert activity. (A heap table is a table with no clustered index.) Here are some examples:

1. An "append-only" table to which every transaction must write

2. Tables that provide a history or audit list of activities

3. A new table into which you load data with bcp in. Once the data is loaded in, you can unpartition the table. This enables you to create a clustered index on the table, or issue other commands not permitted on a partition table.


44⟩ How Do I Create A Partitioned Table That Spans Multiple Devices in Sybase?

Creating a partitioned table that spans multiple devices is a multi-step procedure. In this example, we assume the following:

* We want to create a new segment rather than using the default segment.

* We want to spread the partitioned table across three devices, data_dev1, data_dev2, and data_dev3.

Here are the steps:

1. Define a segment:

sp_addsegment newsegment, my_database,data_dev1

2. Extend the segment across all three devices:

sp_extendsegment newsegment, my_database, data_dev2

sp_extendsegment newsegment, my_database, data_dev3

3. Create the table on the segment:

create table my_table

(names, varchar(80) not null)

on newsegment

4. Partition the table:

alter table my_table partition 30


45⟩ Given a table which contains some rows with duplicate keys, how would you remove the duplicates?

create temporary table with same table structure and then create unique index on this temporary table with option ignore_dup_row.

now insert data into temp table from the table in which duplicate records exists.

while inserting record into temp table, duplicate rows will get ingored.

Finally temp table will have unique records


select distinct * from table_1 into temp_table_1

truncate table_1

insert into table_1

select * from temp_table_1

This is one of the ways to eliminate duplicates.


46⟩ What Is Table Partitioning in Sybase?

Table partitioning is a procedure that creates multiple page chains for a single table.

The primary purpose of table partitioning is to improve the performance of concurrent inserts to a table by reducing contention for the last page of a page chain.

Partitioning can also potentially improve performance by making it possible to distribute a table's I/O over multiple database devices. Page Contention for Inserts

By default, ASE stores a table's data in one double-linked set of pages called a page chain. If the table does not have a clustered index, ASE makes all inserts to the table in the last page of the page chain.

When a transaction inserts a row into a table, ASE holds an exclusive page lock on the last page while it inserts the row. If the current last page becomes full, ASE allocates and links a new last page.

As multiple transactions attempt to insert data into the table at the same time, performance problems can occur. Only one transaction at a time can obtain an exclusive lock on the last page, so other concurrent insert transactions block each other.


47⟩ Can I Partition Any Table in Sybase ?

No. You cannot partition the following kinds of tables:

1. Tables with clustered indexes (as of release 11.5 it is possible to have a clustered index on a partitioned table)

2. ASE system tables

3. Work tables

4. Temporary tables

5. Tables that are already partitioned. However, you can unpartition and then re-partition tables to change the number of partitions.


48⟩ Must I Use Multiple Devices to Take Advantage of Partitions in Sybase?

It depends on which type of performance improvement you want.

Table partitioning improves performance in two ways: primarily, by decreasing page contention for inserts and, secondarily, by decreasing i/o contention. "What Is Table Partitioning?" explains each in detail.

If you want to decrease page contention you do not need multiple devices. If you want to decrease i/o contention, you must use multiple devices.


49⟩ How Does Partition Assignment Relate to Transactions in Sybase?

A user is assigned to a partition for the duration of a transaction. Assignment of partitions resumes with the first insert in a new transaction. The user holds the lock, and therefore partition, until the transaction ends.

For this reason, if you are inserting a great deal of data, you should batch it into separate jobs, each within its own transaction. See "How Do I Take Advantage of Table Partitioning with bcp in?", for details.


50⟩ Can I Run Any Transact-SQL Command on a Partitioned Table in Sybase?

No. Once you have partitioned a table, you cannot use any of the following Transact-SQL commands on the table until you unpartition it:

1. drop table

2. sp_placeobject

3. truncate table

4. alter table table_name partition n

On releases of ASE prior to 11.5 it was not possible to create a clustered index on a partitioned table either.


51⟩ Can Two Tasks Be Assigned to the Same Partition in Sybase?

Yes. ASE randomly assigns partitions. This means there is always a chance that two users will vie for the same partition when attempting to insert and one would lock the other out.

The more partitions a table has, the lower the probability of users trying to write to the same partition at the same time.


53⟩ On startup, the transaction log of a database has filled and recovery has suspended, what can I do?

You might find the following in the error log:

00:00000:00001:2000/01/04 07:43:42.68 server Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs' in database 'DBbad' because 'logsegment' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase size of the segment.

00:00000:00001:2000/01/04 07:43:42.68 server Error: 3475, Severity: 21, State: 7

00:00000:00001:2000/01/04 07:43:42.68 server There is no space available in SYSLOGS for process 1 to log a record for which space has been reserved. This process will retry at intervals of one minute. The internal error number is -4.


54⟩ Why not max out all my columns Sybase?

People occasionally ask the following valid question:

v Suppose I have varying lengths of character strings none of which should exceed 50 characters.

Is there any advantage of last_name varchar(50) over this last_name varchar(255)?

That is, for simplicity, can I just define all my varying strings to be varchar(255) without even thinking about how long they may actually be? Is there any storage or performance penalty for this.

There is no performance penalty by doing this but as another netter pointed out:

If you want to define indexes on these fields, then you should specify the smallest size because the sum of the maximal lengths of the fields in the index can't be greater than 256 bytes.

and someone else wrote in saying:

Your data structures should match the business requirements. This way the data structure themselves becomes a data dictionary for others to model their applications (report generation and the like).


55⟩ How to compute database fragmentation in Sybase?


dbcc traceon(3604)


dbcc tab(production, my_table, 0)



A delta of one means the next page is on the same track, two is a short seek, three is a long seek. You can play with these constants but they aren't that important.

A table I thought was unfragmented had L1 = 1.2 L2 = 1.8

A table I thought was fragmented had L1 = 2.4 L2 = 6.6

How to Fix

You fix a fragmented table with clustered index by dropping and creating the index. This measurement isn't the correct one for tables without clustered indexes. If your table doesn't have a clustered index, create a dummy one and drop it.


56⟩ How Do I Take Advantage of Table Partitioning with bcp in Sybase?

You can take advantage of table partitioning with bcp in by following these guidelines:

1. Break up the data file into multiple files and simultaneously run each of these files as a separate bcp job against one table.

Running simultaneous jobs increases throughput.

2. Choose a number of partitions greater than the number of bcp jobs.

Having more partitions than processes (jobs) decreases the probability of page lock contention.

3. Use the batch option of bcp in. For example, after every 100 rows, force a commit. Here is the syntax of this command:

bcp table_name in filename -b100

Each time a transaction commits, ASE randomly assigns a new partition for the next insert. This, in turn, reduces the probability of page lock contention


57⟩ What is Trace Flag Definitions in Sybase?

To activate trace flags, add them to the RUN_* script. The following example is using the 1611 and 260 trace flags. Note that there is no space between the '-T' and the traceflag, despite what is written in some documentation.

Use of these traceflags is not recommended by Sybase. Please use at your own risk.

% cd ~sybase/install




# SQL Server Information:

# name: BLAND

# master device: /usr/sybase/dbf/BLAND/master.dat

# master device size: 25600

# errorlog: /usr/sybase/install/errorlog_BLAND

# interfaces: /usr/sybase


/usr/sybase/dataserver -d/usr/sybase/dbf/BLAND/master.dat

-sBLAND -e/usr/sybase/install/errorlog_BLAND -i/usr/sybase

-T1611 -T260


58⟩ How do I audit the SQL sent to the server?

This does not seem to be well documented, so here is a quick means of auditing the SQL text that is sent to the server. Note that this simply audits the SQL sent to the server. So, if your user process executes a big stored procedure, all you will see here is a call to the stored procedure. None of the SQL that is executed as part of the stored procedure will be listed.

Firstly, you need to have installed Sybase security (which involves installing the sybsecurity database and loading it using the script $SYBASE/scripts/installsecurity). Read the Sybase Security Administration Manual, you may want to enable a threshold procedure to toggle between a couple of audit tables. Be warned, that the default configuration option "suspend auditing when device full" is set to 1. This means that the server will suspend all normal SQL operations if the audit database becomes full and the sso logs in and gets rid of some data. You might want to consider changing this to 0 unless yours is a particularly sensitive installation.


59⟩ What is the best value for cschedspins?

It is crucial to understand that cschedspins is a tunable parameter (recommended values being between 1-2000) and the optimum value is completely dependent on the customer's environment. cschedspins is used by the scheduler only when it finds that there are no runnable tasks. If there are no runnable tasks, the scheduler has two options:

1. Let the engine go to sleep (which is done by an OS call) for a specified interval or until an event happens. This option assumes that tasks won't become runnable because of tasks executing on other engines. This would happen when the tasks are waiting for I/O more than any other resource such as locks. Which means that we could free up the CPU resource (by going to sleep) and let the system use it to expedite completion of system tasks including I/O.

2. Go and look for a ready task again. This option assumes that a task would become runnable in the near term and so incurring the extra cost of an OS context switch through the OS sleep/wakeup mechanism is unacceptable. This scenario assumes that tasks are waiting on resources such as locks, which could free up because of tasks executing on other engines, more than they wait for I/O.


60⟩ What is a natural key in Sybase?

Let me think back to my database class... okay, I can't think that far so I'll paraphrase... essentially, a natural key is a key for a given table that uniquely identifies the row. It's natural in the sense that it follows the business or real world need.

For example, assume that social security numbers are unique (I believe it is strived to be unique but it's not always the case), then if you had the following employee table:


ssn char(09)

f_name char(20)

l_name char(20)

title char(03)

Then a natural key would be ssn. If the combination of _name and l_name were unique at this company, then another natural key would be f_name, l_name. As a matter of fact, you can have many natural keys in a given table but in practice what one does is build a surrogate (or artificial) key.

The surrogate key is guaranteed to be unique because (wait, get back, here it goes again) it's typically a monotonically increasing value. Okay, my mathematician wife would be proud of me... really all it means is that the key is increasing linearly: i+1