
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions

► Why is this role of interest to you?

► What results do you want to achieve?

► How will this role help you to achieve what you want?

► What do you consider to be a few of your strengths?

► Who is responsible for your results?

► What makes you laugh?

► When is the last time you were embarrassed?

► What happened? How did you handle the situation?

► What activities energize and excite you?

► How do you have fun?

► What are two personal habits that have served you well?

► How good are you at accepting help from others?

► How good are you at asking for help?

► What is one of the internal battles to have each day?

► What makes you angry?

► What aspect of your work you are passionate about?

► How could you create more balance in your life?

► Who inspires you? Why?

► On an "average day" would you consider yourself a high or low energy person?

► On an "average day" is your main focus on results and tasks or people and emotions?


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