
Question and Answer:

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⟩ How would you get all the opportunity in a career break?

Let's work to be truly valued so that we can demand a career break and get it. You can become more valuable by doing these things in your career:

★ Work smarter to make a big impact with your group.

★ Be positive, happy, and enjoyable to be around.

★ Do more research on a specialty problem and uncover the unknown.

★ Come up with an innovative idea to solve that problem or create another section of business.

★ Take charge, execute, and grow your new idea or business section, doing it with no instruction from your boss, just informing your boss of your actions along the way.

★ Realize you are now in demand and valued at your company.

★ Have the confidence to demand more from your work, and negotiate leave with the ability to be hired back.

★ You are in demand, be confident.


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