
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Tell us understanding that you’re not involved in actual recruiting (but can be very influential in the process), what advice would you give to job seekers based on what you’ve observed of the corporate hiring process?

Uploading your resume to a job posting on a website is simply not enough! You must find a way to make connections internally in order to get your resume to the top of the pile. Learn as much as you can about the company so that, if given the opportunity of an interview, you’re able to speak intelligently about all aspects of the firm. Interviewees really impress when they’re able to do this, and, I believe, too few job seekers leverage this strategy.

Finding a job is all about marketing yourself. And, contrary to prevailing wisdom, I firmly believe that it shouldn’t always be about what the company wants. Seriously ask yourself what you want from a company and their leadership team. What does the company stand for, what does leadership value, and do these things resonate with you? Talk to people who work there. Use your connections, or work hard to make connections if you don’t already have them.


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