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⟩ Explain Black Box testing for web-based application Part 2

7. Images

Whether it's a screen grab or a little icon that points the way, a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, the best way to tell the user something is to simply show them. However, bandwidth is precious to the client and the server, so you need to conserve memory usage. Do all the images add value to each page, or do they simply waste bandwidth? Can a different file type (.GIF, .JPG) be used for 30k less?

In general, you don't want large pictures on the front page, since most users who abandon a page due to a large load will do it on the front page. If you can get them to see the front page quickly, it will increase the chance they will stay.

8. Tables

You also want to verify that tables are setup properly. Does the user constantly have to scroll right to see the price of the item? Would it be more effective to put the price closer to the left and put miniscule details to the right? Are the columns wide enough or does every row have to wrap around? Are certain columns considerably longer than others?

9. Wrap-around

Finally, you will want to verify that wrap-around occurs properly. If the text refers to "a picture on the right", make sure the picture is on the right. Make sure that widowed and orphaned sentences and paragraphs don't layout in an awkward manner because of pictures.

10. Functionality

The functionality of the web site is why your company hired a developer and not just an artist. This is the part that interfaces with the server and actually "does stuff".

11. Links

A link is the vehicle that gets the user from page to page. You will need to verify two things for each link: that the link brings you to the page it said it would and that the pages you are linking to actually exists. It may sound a little silly but I have seen plenty of web sites with internal broken links.

12. Forms

When a user submits information through a form it needs to work properly. The submit button needs to work. If the form is for an online registration, the user should be given login information (that works) after successful completion. If the form gathers shipping information, it should be handled properly and the customer should receive their package. In order to test this, you need to verify that the server stores the information properly and that systems down the line can interpret and use that information.

13. Data verification

If the system verifies user input according to business rules, then that needs to work properly. For example, a State field may be checked against a list of valid values. If this is the case, you need to verify that the list is complete and that the program actually calls the list properly (add a bogus value to the list and make sure the system accepts it).

14. Cookies

Most users only like the kind with sugar, but developers love web cookies. If the system uses them, you need to check them. If they store login information, make sure the cookies work. If the cookie is used for statistics, verify that totals are being counted properly. And you'll probably want to make sure those cookies are encrypted too, otherwise people can edit their cookies and skew your statistics.

Application specific functional requirements Most importantly, you want to verify the application specific functional requirements. Try to perform all functions a user would: place an order, change an order, cancel an order, check the status of the order, change shipping information before an order is shipped, pay online, ad naseum.

This is why your users will show up on your doorstep, so you need to make sure you can do what you advertise.


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