Insurance Agent

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“Insurance Agent Frequently Asked Questions in various Insurance Agent job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

108 Insurance Agent Questions And Answers

43⟩ Tell us what does ‘Indemnity’ term means?

‘Indemnity’ term in the insurance is used to cover the loss or damage claimed by another person. For example, the owner of the gym has indemnity insurance to compensate it customers in case of injury or accident and to avoid the financial loss due to a lawsuit.


59⟩ Do you know how to claim your personal property in a ‘Home insurance’ policy, how important is to keep inventory list?

In case of fire or natural calamities, if your house is completely damaged and if you want to claim your personal property to insurance company, inventory list is very important. The insurance company will only pay you for those items where you are able to show the evidence that the damaged items belong to you. So, it is advisable to keep a list of inventory in a safe place.