Insurance Agent

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“Insurance Agent Frequently Asked Questions in various Insurance Agent job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

108 Insurance Agent Questions And Answers

62⟩ Tell me how long have you been in insurance? How long with this particular agency?

Experience counts, but it isn't everything. If an agent has bounced around from one firm to the next, there may be a problem; at the very least, it should make you question whether the agent will be there to service your long-term needs.

Remember my story about my wife and George, the insurance agent she wanted on our side in case of emergency? Well, for her to get her wish and have George in place during an emergency, George needs to still be in the business and working with us. If he were changing firms all the time, chances are that we'd be stuck in the event of a disaster, with Susan frustrated about having to deal with a stranger (and if she wanted to deal with a stranger, we'd have saved the $72 in annual premiums and done the deal on our own, without the agent).

Like many financial services disputes, problem agents can sometimes get off without a scratch on their records by settling cases and resolving complaints before problems reach the state regulator. The firm that employs the agent may not be so lenient; that's why having too many past employers in a short stretch of time needs to be checked out.


65⟩ Explain me a time when you had to handle something drastic, but no one was around, how did you do it?

I was cashiering during the holiday season and my line was getting really long, no matter how much I would ask for back up no one was arriving. I was cashiering as fast as I could, as one customer was growing really frustrated and ask to speak to my manager, and supervisor, all I could tell her was that the assistant manager can give her that information.


67⟩ Explain me what specific skills do you believe are required to work as an insurance sales agent?

One has to be people oriented if one wants to work as an insurance sales agent. Other skills that one requires to work at this position include the ability to analyze situations and provide solutions accordingly. Since most of the time, an insurance sales agent is working with clients directly, communication and interpersonal skills are an absolute necessity.


68⟩ Behavioral Insurance Agent Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell me about a time you had to deal with an aggressive client. How did you handle it?

☛ Describe a time you persuaded someone to buy insurance after having refused at first

☛ Tell me about a time you had to close deals to meet quota in a short period of time. How did you manage?

☛ What’s the most successful sale you’ve ever made?

☛ Describe a time you helped a client with a problem regarding their policy


69⟩ Tell us how comfortable are you with data analysis?

Reps generally only care about one number: their quota. Keeping on top of pipeline and win rate is also important ... as these metrics pertain to their quota. It's all quota, all the time.

But when a rep is promoted to management, they must produce forecasts and reports that analyze a variety of metrics across the entire team. While a sales manager doesn't need to be a data analysis pro, they do need to have some familiarity with and inclination for crunching numbers and spotting trends. Beware of candidates that express active revulsion for data analysis.


70⟩ Favorite Insurance Agent Job Interview Questions

☛ What are a few of your greatest work related contributions / successes?

☛ Outside of work where do you spend most of your time?

☛ What is most important to you in your next position?

☛ Why are you looking for a new job?

☛ What prompted you to send your resume, and what do you know about ABC Insurance Company?

☛ When I call your references what are they going to say about you besides that you are a hard worker?

☛ Would you mind telling me a little about you besides your work experience?

☛ What did you like most / least about your last position?

☛ Where do you see yourself in 5 yrs personally and professionally?

☛ When was the last time you did something nice for someone?


71⟩ Tell us what is most rewarding?

Easily the most rewarding has been paying benefits to my clients/ delivering the promise. I have paid disability benefits to a family. I have paid life insurance proceeds to 3 families. They used this money to survive and one used it to help fund a nonprofit. I have paid a long term care claim where my client never wrote a check for the 20 thousand plus they could have been on the hook for. I talked a guy with 150k given to me not to sell in March 09, so his money is back to where it was, effectively saving him a year of his take home income.


72⟩ Tell us what do you think it takes in terms of skills and qualifications to be a successful sales rep in this organization?

A large part of a sales manager's job is keeping the team fully staffed with high performers. This question gives the interviewer a peek into the candidate's stance on hiring. The skills and qualifications they deem to be important are those they'll look for when interviewing for open positions. Do the attributes they value line up with the company's standards? If so, it's a good sign. If not, this could be a red flag.


74⟩ Operational and Situational Insurance Agent Interview Questions

☛ Here’s one of our insurance plans. Sell it to me

☛ What insurance plans are you familiar with?

☛ Which up-selling techniques have you employed to your clients?

☛ What questions should you ask to evaluate a prospective client’s needs?

☛ How do you use social media to identify prospects?

☛ Are you comfortable with cold-calling?

☛ How do you keep track of policy plans you’ve sold?

☛ What forms of advertising do you employ as an insurance agent?

☛ What are people’s criteria in choosing an insurance policy?

☛ If a client was trying to negotiate in a way that wouldn’t be profitable to our company, what would you do?


75⟩ Sample Insurance Job Interview Questions

☛ What are the most important personality traits of an effective insurance agent?

☛ Who are this agency’s top 3 competitors?

☛ Why were you initially interested in the insurance industry?

☛ How do you keep your energy level up on days when you hear more “no’s” than “yes’s”?

☛ Have you thought about pursuing the CFP designation?

☛ We must change from being producers to marketers if we are to be successful. What do you think of that statement?

☛ Pretend to sell me yourself as the product and tell me what the benefits are.

☛ How do you convince prospects that they need to make a change (in insurers)?

☛ Tell me about a time when you converted a “no” to a “yes.”

☛ How do you cope with rejection on a daily basis?

☛ Have you ever sent a prospect a written communication that contained a spelling or grammatical error?

☛ What are some ways you build trust with clients?

☛ How do you differentiate yourself from your peers?

☛ How do you personalize the process of buying insurance for each client?

☛ Do you belong to any insurance agent associations?

☛ What would you tell a customer who said they could buy your product from another agency at a cheaper rate?

☛ Do you have experience using a Customer Relationship Management program?

☛ What are key elements of an effective content marketing strategy?

☛ How do you show the customer that they are valued and important?

☛ Tell me some ways you have tried expanding beyond your natural market.


77⟩ Explain me what kind of strategy would you devise to gain clients’ attention?

My goal is to demonstrate value. Obviously, client facing is a good way to do this. Something as simple as personally delivering a policy package can go a long way. It builds reputation and increases the chance of someone referring a friend. Also, creating content and generating a social media presence is important. Writing and sharing informative articles and blog posts can establish an insurance agent as an expert. Additionally, I would pick a coverage line to focus on and offer to speak about it at various offices and events. I think getting my face out there to as many people as possible is critical.


78⟩ Please explain what do you mean by ‘Loss Payee’?

The loss payee is a person or institution (Bank) that receives the insurance payment on the loss of the property or vehicle you own. It is a legal definition used to cover the investment of other parties or bank that is owned by you. For example, you have a car on loan, and also you have insurance for that car. Now you met an accident, and your car is a total loss(meaning completely damaged beyond repair). Your bank still owes money from you in such case when you claim the insurance; the insurance company will pay money directly to Bank or person you owes money. Here bank is a loss payee.


80⟩ Tell us what do you mean by term ‘cash value’?

‘Cash Value’ is the cash amount offered to the policy holder while cancelling the policy, where a portion of the premium paid goes into saving plan. It is also referred as surrender value. This term is normally used for life Insurance contract.