Insurance Agent

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“Insurance Agent Frequently Asked Questions in various Insurance Agent job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

108 Insurance Agent Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell us how much do you make as a life insurance salesman?

This is a tricky question and I will try and explain it the best I can. Bare bones…I make 10 grand a month net. However, I have a 6 figure residual base that continues to increase along with consistent annuity and mutual fund investments and trails that I get paid on every year. So if I didn’t work at all next year, I would probably make almost 50k because I have completed 8 years of service, but starting out, I had none of that, and guys with 25 years of service walk in the door each year and make 100k before doing a thing. I also have 2 fully funded retirement plans with Northwestern Mutual.


22⟩ Explain me how would you describe the application and interview process?

I applied online. I applied at the Job Wanted Ads here at Texas State. They put their ad in through them. I got a response the next day. I called them, emailed them my resume. When I went in for my first interview, it was more difficult than I expected. Usually in an interview I felt that it was going to be more or less like, “Okay you’ve done this job before. Tell me a little bit about the experience you’ve had with it.” With that one they wanted to know more information about schooling. How I was able to best suit the job? How my job performance was going to work with that? If I was able to make 75 phone calls in an hour versus making 15 phone calls in one hour. Doing things like that.


23⟩ Explain me your job title and primary duties?

I was a marketing coordinator agent. I was the annoying person that would work on your leads. Those were telephone marketing, emails, different things like that, but I also did handle social media. Anything that our agency posted social media-wise on Facebook, Instagram, different things like that, was all through me. With that position I was able to … You have the potential to work your way up with all the certifications and eventually becoming an agent. That’s what my boss had actually done. That’s not what I really wanted to go into.


24⟩ Tell me are you able to handle rejection? If so, how?

The fact of the matter is that insurance industry is competitive. I understand that rejection comes with the job. Agents are constantly targeting each other’s accounts. Sometimes a client decides to make the move to another insurance agent. It can be hard to lose an account after spending a lot of time on it, but I don’t see it as a failure. It just means I have to work that much harder to find other leads and build more relationships. Also, it’s always possible to contact lost clients again and ask them to give me another shot at finding them a better program.


25⟩ Tell us how many insurance companies do you represent? How long have you worked with each company?

The more insurers an agent represents, the more options she can present you with. At the same time, an agent may have a few favorites she prefers to work with. Captive agents, of course, work with only the one firm, but those companies are likely to provide cradle-to-grave coverage options on virtually every type of protection.

Ideally, an agent with a long history in the business has longstanding relationships with the insurer(s) she works with. If not, that raises a concern that she has not been the kind of agent an insurer wants to keep. That said, there are also legitimate reasons why an insurer might drop an agent, not the least of which is state regulations that make a company decide to no longer participate in the market.


27⟩ Explain me what is ‘group life’ insurance?

‘Group life insurance’ is a single policy that covers an entire group. Such policy is taken by an employer for the bigger organization to cover their employee, as an individual policy holder, it may cost more than a group policy.


30⟩ Explain me what do you mean by term ‘Double Indemnity’?

‘Double Indemnity’ is a provision provided by certain insurance companies, where according to their policy they are liable to pay double the face amount in case of death by accidental means or murder. This type of policy does not cover suicide, and death caused by gross negligence of the insured person. For example, a person who dies due to natural causes including heart disease or cancer, Murder or conspiracy by beneficiary, or death due to an injury from sheer negligence.


32⟩ Tell us what happens if you fail to make required premium payments?

Usually, Insurance Company gives a grace period of 10-15 days to the insured if they fail to pay the premium before the due date. Further, if you fail to pay a premium, then your policy will lapse. You can revive your policy by paying the outstanding premium along with the interest, counted from the date the policy got lapsed. Different Insurance Company has a different norm for reviving the policy.

However, if your policy is in force for alonger period like say more than2-3 years,and if you fail to pay a premium, then insurance company will deduct the premium amount from your accumulated funds, especially in permanent life insurance. This will continue till there is an available fund after which your policy will be terminated.


33⟩ Do you know what is Co-insurance?

Co-insurance term is usually referred to health insurance companies. In this type of policy, you share the coverage with, the insurance company in percentage of the policy value, after paying deductible or co-payment. It is the split of insurance coverage between you and insurance company; usually the split would be 80/20 % where you are liable to pay 20% and the remaining amount by the insurance company. For example, for health policy you have claimed for $200, according to policy clause you have to pay deductible, let say $100, now after paying deductible the remaining amount is $100, now you have a co-insurance which is split into 80/20%. So you will pay $20 out of $100 from your pocket while the $80 will be paid by co-insurance(meaning the insurance company).