Insurance Agent

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“Insurance Agent Frequently Asked Questions in various Insurance Agent job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

108 Insurance Agent Questions And Answers

101⟩ Tell me what is Paid Value?

The paid value is something, when the insured stops paying the premium but do not withdraw the amount. The sum assured by the insurance company is reduced proportionally depending when insured has stopped paying the premium. You will get the amount at the end of the term.


102⟩ Tell us what do you mean by term “Annuity”?

An annuity is the term used for the regular amount paid by the insurance company to the insured, after a certain period of time. The payment can be monthly or quarterly, this is often done to supplement income after retirement.


104⟩ Explain me what is ‘gap insurance’?

‘GAP insurance’ is also known as Guaranteed Auto Protection. It covers the difference between the actual cash value of the vehicle and the balance still owed on financing like loan. GAP insurance amount is generally paid up front.


105⟩ Tell us what is Elimination period in insurance?

In the disability income insurance or loss of income insurance, the elimination period is the amount of time you have to wait before benefits are paid. In other words,it is a time-period between the beginning of the injury and the benefits you are paid off. Longer the Elimination period lower the premium and vice versa.


106⟩ Explain me what was the work environment like?

It was good. I had my own office, 2 screen computer. There was 5 of us at our agency, pretty easy, laid back, dress business casual. Had a good lunch break, everything was pretty good. I really did enjoy that.


107⟩ Tell me what is the Surrender Value?

Surrender Value is the amount when you stop paying the premium and withdraw the entire amount. The policy ceases as soon as you withdraw the money, and the insured will lose out all the returns on it.