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“Social Work job preparation guide for freshers and experienced candidates. Number of Social Working frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many interviews”

50 Social Work Questions And Answers

1⟩ Describe the components of a care plan for a resident with depression?

► The Problem Statement needs to be resident specific and describe

How depression impacts his/her quality of life

► The goal should

► Offer positive value to the resident

► Improve his/her life somehow

► Be measurable and realistic

► Address causal factors and not symptoms such as tearfulness or Combativeness.


2⟩ What is social work?

Social work is a professional and academic discipline that seeks to improve the quality of life and subjective well-being of individuals, families, couples, groups, and communities through research, policy, community organizing, direct practice, crisis intervention, and teaching for the benefit of those affected by social disadvantages such as poverty, mental and physical illness or disability, and social injustice, including violations of their civil liberties and human rights. The profession is dedicated to the pursuit of social justice and the well-being of oppressed and marginalized individuals and communities.


3⟩ What are the components of a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment?

► Focus on resident strengths throughout the entire interview and

assessment process

► Identifying information (ethnicity, spirituality, appearance,

payer source, etc.)

► Reason for admission and presenting problems, prior living

arrangements and level of assistance needed with ADLs and


► Advance directives and need for advance care planning

► History of physical and/or psychosocial problems

► Mental health and psychological treatment

► Personal and family history

► Support system

► Education and employment history

► Interests/hobbies

► History of substance abuse

► Cognitive functioning

► Discharge plan, if appropriate

► Impression and assessment


5⟩ How do you describe risk management?

Risk management is anything related to reducing the possibility of loss or injury; it requires excellent communication and teamwork as well as ongoing training, especially in areas of customer service.


7⟩ What is grievance policy?

Grievance reports are written whenever an issue/complaint cannot be immediately resolved (and sometimes then as well).


8⟩ Suppose you have 5 computer assessments due, 3 new admissions, 2 discharges and care plans today. How do you prioritize your day?

► Organize day into related activities to increase efficiency

► Do all related tasks at once, i.e. gather all charts to complete MDS

assessments at one time

► Determine what time the residents will be discharging and ensure

all services are arranged to facilitate a safe d/c plan (all this should

have already been arranged prior to the day of d/c but now it's just

making sure it all falls into place)

► Since care plans are at scheduled times, all other activities must

take place around those

► Save the new admissions for the end of the day unless

intervention is needed sooner

► Remain focused on the task at hand

► Minimize interruptions


9⟩ What do you do if a resident's daughter comes into your office in tears. Her mother is quite ill and probably won't make it through the week?

► Invite her to sit down

► Shut the door to ensure privacy,

► Put phone on Do Not Disturb

► Start where the daughter is - if she needs to cry, let her cry; if she needs to talk, let her talk (about topics she feels necessary)

► Encourage her to share her feelings, concern, worries

► Do not offer false hope or meaningless comments like "I'm sure things will be just fine" or "At least she won't be suffering."

► If she is receptive, talk about ways staff focuses on her mom's comfort

► Determine if any action is necessary

► Ask if there is anything else she would like staff to do

► In some circumstances, suicide assessment might be necessary


10⟩ What do you do if two roommates are not getting along?

► Interviewee must demonstrate knowledge of resident rights and roommate regulations

► Talk to both residents, individually and possibly together

► Help them generate creative solutions

► If a solution is not possible and a room change is necessary, the

resident that initiated the "complaint" is the one who must make the room change

► Document in both residents' medical records all interventions attempted as well as the outcomes

► Make sure families are kept informed as appropriate


11⟩ What is the role of the social worker with pain management?

► Be familiar with the Federal regulations for pain management in F309 Quality of Life

► Assessment using tools like the "faces" scale, the "number scale 1-10" or scales for advanced dementia

► Assessment by asking about: aggravating and alleviating factors, impact of pain, meaning of pain, and most importantly, the resident's goals for pain management

► Education regarding: misconceptions related to pain, challenges to achieve adequate pain management, the relation of pain to behaviors/mood, definitions of tolerance, addiction and dependence

► Identification of non-drug interventions and techniques to relieve anxiety (guided imagery, visualization, muscle relaxation)


12⟩ What is the role of a social worker if a patient admitted for rehabilitation has declined therapy for two days?

Assess reason(s) why resident is declining therapy, i.e. depression, confusion, pain

• Identify possible interventions to facilitate participation

• Explain insurance benefits and skilled stay requirements

• Involve family if appropriate

• Consider writing a care plan for "refusal of care"

• Communicate with staff at PPS or stand-up meeting


13⟩ How do you give report to a health plan case manager?

► Be prepared with updates from all disciplines (nursing, rehab, dietary)

Focus on progress to justify skilled stay

► Keep conversation short and focused on patient issues

► Keep case manager updated on all discharge planning barriers/challenges

► If not sure how to answer a question, get someone to help


14⟩ What is your experience in discharge planning?

► Referrals to community resources - must demonstrate knowledge of most common resources, i.e. home health, medical equipment, Title 19, Meals-on-Wheels, mental health services.

► Discharge planning starts with the pre-admission process

► Comprehensive documentation of all activities related to discharge planning, including name and time of any phone calls, meetings or interactions.

► Communication with interdisciplinary team, resident and family

► Coordination of home health and equipment to coincide on day of discharge or earlier if training is necessary on a new piece of equipment, i.e. 4-wheeled walker, glucometer, etc.


15⟩ What information do social worker report on?

Social worker reports on: mood, behaviors, room changes, roommate changes, how resident is adapting to facility life or if admitted for a rehab stay, the discharge plan, advance directives, emergency contact and relationship.


17⟩ Do you facilitate the meetings?

Facilitate conference calls if family/responsible party unable to attend, schedule conferences at bedside if resident is unable to get out of bed.


18⟩ How do you explain code status to a resident and/or family member?

► First ask if they have questions regarding advance directives or code status

► Ask them to explain their understanding of the choice, either full code or do not resuscitate (DNR)

► Ensure accuracy of understanding

► If education is needed, explain full code in the same way that any other treatment or procedure is explained which includes discussion of risks (broken ribs, punctured lungs, probably decreased quality of life). Inform that Full Code includes many procedures, i.e. intubation, cardiac compression, artificial ventilation, etc.,

► Take the orange card to the meeting as a visual aid

► If education is needed for DNR, explain that comfort care is always provided, i.e. oxygen, pain management

► If code status is changed, must communicate with the charge nurse to get appropriate orders and follow facility procedures.


19⟩ Do you know what is the Master of Social Work (MSW) degree?

The Master of Social Work Program prepares students for advanced direct professional practice with individuals, families, households, groups, organizations, and communities. Students learn the clinical, organizational, policy and administrative skills necessary for promoting social and economic justice and enhancing the quality of life for all people through agency-based, culturally sensitive advanced professional practice.


20⟩ Tell me what social workers do?

According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), social workers help people overcome social and health problems, such as poverty, mental illness, child abuse and neglect, emotional instability, illness, economic uncertainty, domestic violence, homelessness, and drug abuse. They work directly with individuals, couples, families, and groups to identify and overcome these problems. Some social workers also work with communities, organizations, and/or systems to improve services and/or administrate social and health programs. Social workers apply their professional knowledge and skills to help people make the most effective use of their own abilities. When adequate services do not exist in a community, social workers promote the development of new services and programs.