
Question and Answer:

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⟩ How do you explain code status to a resident and/or family member?

► First ask if they have questions regarding advance directives or code status

► Ask them to explain their understanding of the choice, either full code or do not resuscitate (DNR)

► Ensure accuracy of understanding

► If education is needed, explain full code in the same way that any other treatment or procedure is explained which includes discussion of risks (broken ribs, punctured lungs, probably decreased quality of life). Inform that Full Code includes many procedures, i.e. intubation, cardiac compression, artificial ventilation, etc.,

► Take the orange card to the meeting as a visual aid

► If education is needed for DNR, explain that comfort care is always provided, i.e. oxygen, pain management

► If code status is changed, must communicate with the charge nurse to get appropriate orders and follow facility procedures.


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