⟩ How do you keep them on track?
Keep group focused - if conference turns into a "complaint session" schedule a separate meeting with necessary staff.
Keep group focused - if conference turns into a "complaint session" schedule a separate meeting with necessary staff.
Tell me have you dealt much with insurance companies to resolve issues with unpaid or rejected (denied) claims?
Explain me are you comfortable working with computers? What types of software do you have experience with?
Why should we hire you as Health Insurance Specialist?
Why did you choose this company as Health Insurance Specialist?
Tell me what Is Your Strategy For Ensuring Accuracy?
Explain me a situation in which you’ve been required to use your communication skills in order to get the job done?
Have you billed for Medicare and Medicaid?
Tell us do you have medical-billing certification? If not, are you planning to get certified or are you in the process of getting certified?
Do you know how to run reports? Can you customize reports?
Please explain how long does it take you to process a day’s charges?