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“Team Lead frequently Asked Questions in various Team Lead related job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of Team Lead job interview questions”

71 Team Lead Questions And Answers

22⟩ How to resolve if there is problem between your Team member and get work done?

When team members are at odds, I ask them to review what our task is. The answer should be "to achieve our target". I ask them to remember that we are not required to like each other, but we are required to work together with respect and that nothing less will be tolerated. The team members in question are then asked if they can work out their problem by themselves or if they need a third party to intervene. If they feel they need a third party, I ask them who that party should be: me, the department director -- maybe Human Resources. Then I make it clear that the issue is to be resolved today, or at the latest tomorrow, that their dissention is putting the project at risk and that is not acceptable.

At all times, I make every effort to not lay blame on either team member unless the situation is extreme. (If the situation was extreme, there would be little or no discussion -- we would go directly to HR.) Whatever the problem might be, I make it clear that we will work it out and we will work it out now.


23⟩ Explain what are the attributes that make a good team leader?

A good team leader has to have

1. Good knowledge of the project (s) he is leading

2. Genuinely interested in the success of project AND individuals.

3. Helping and problem solving team members

4. Open to suggestions from team members

5. Has to be responsible for whatever decision a team member has taken

6. Not afraid of failure

7. Nice to have: technically sound so as to replace any of the team member


26⟩ How should a team lead handle a team member who always gives defensive response?

In that case where team member is defensive, the lead can take following steps:

1. Teaching him meaning of team work.

2. discussing minutely his actions while he was supposed to perform something and he didn't and something wrong happened.

3. Be very sharp and specific don't generalize his/her responsibility.

4. Sometimes it seems that Team member is defensive but actually he was going through a genuine problem.

5. The best aproach is to make a diplomatic balance like if he is defensive for something wrong done by him, them appraise something which he has done good in past or in present and very professionally make hime realise that he shouldn't be defensive and should improve for future.


27⟩ How to priories the work of your office and staff?

Highest priority should be given to the task, if it is the top level task, meaning that the other tasks in the completion list are dependent on.

Tasks that are core functions of the software, with out which the software can’t function should be identified should be marked as a higher priority.


28⟩ What are the training methodologies a team leader must take to educate a team?

Training plays an very important role in team success, they basically many training methodologies which can implemented, I have some of them discussed here.

1) If the team leader is well versed with the knowledge then it is better to go for a class training.

2) They are possibilities that some of the associate may not understand the class room training in this cases you can go for one on one training.

3) Other is mentoring were you can sit beside the employee and explain everything.

4) The major difference between the mentoring and class room training : in the class the knowledge passed to every one on equal basis keeping that everyone is in same page and each of them is capable of understanding, were as mentoring is after the knowledge is already based then you are particularly training in specific knowledge.


30⟩ Tell me how is the effectiveness of a team measured by team lead?

It can be measure by statistics and graphs, what and how team have performed.

Leader effectiveness can be measure by getting the maximum potential from its team,

motivate them and bring out regular improve output.

Make them work freely, create their own ideas, check them if they forget the objective and goals.

Note: A check can be made by high attrition. If its high, there is not satisfaction or employees are under pressure.


33⟩ What are the Core skills needed for Team Lead?

A team lead should have these following quality:

1- A lead should always be calm and compose. No non-sense talk.

2- Diplomatic and benevolent to all the team members. Gain the respect from team members.

3- Always lead from front while tackling a issue raised. No blame-game.

4- Show to the team members that u are always there as a backup.

5- Identify the limitation of the team members and help them in gaining confidence while performing the task.

6- Distribute the task according to their capability.

7- Give team members their time and space but keep them on tap about their responsibility.

8- Be generous on their personal needs. Give them leaves but again check their status.

9- Perform team building activities. Even a team lunch is a great activities. But during such team outing, no talk about work, just chill out.

10 - Nominate your team members for training which usually every organization supports which in turn help them in improve in their career later on.

These are some of the point I keep in mind while leading a team. I may looks a bit liberal but it does work in keeping the team performing.


34⟩ Hogan Core Banking Testing Interview questions

1. How to create a customer in Hogan System(Which screen, what details etc.)

2. How to create an account in Hogan System(Which screen, what details etc.)

3. How to post a transaction

4. Where to check the address details of a customer(on what screen)

5. In which screen we can see the customers which are related to a certain customer(Except navigating to ACRE screen for each account)

6. How to query the data to get appropriate test data(Where to write the query , with an example)


35⟩ What is difference between smoke and sanity testing with example?

When one test the applications all functionality before releasing the build then the testing will be said SMOKING TESTING and usually done by white box test engineer or developers. While after releasing the build whatever the testing engineer test in the application that is called as SANITY TESTING.


37⟩ Explain STLC lifecylce?

STLC is nothing but Manual testing process

1.understanding the req

2.preparing the test plan:RTM,ECA,BVA

then Test case Doc

writing the test cases

4. executing the test cases

5. Bug report/Tracking the errors

6.Test closure.


40⟩ An executive in the team is absconding for 10 days and did not inform his team leader. He text his leader on 11th day that he is unwell but when TL tried calling him back, he did not respond. After 1 week, he came back to office with a medical certificate. How should the TL handle this situation?

As per me i believe all the companies have a policy of waiting for an employee for no later than days and if is found not in touch should close there file as absconding and in your case if you donot have such rule/policy than you being a TL need to consult manager and make sure that if he/she is just showing fake details than should take action or else if the case was very critical wherein the employee could not even call than based on severity should decide the scenario