Team Lead

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“Team Lead frequently Asked Questions in various Team Lead related job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of Team Lead job interview questions”

71 Team Lead Questions And Answers

42⟩ How project or team leader differs from Manager with respect to project management?

Ideally the Project Manager's focus is fully on pure Project Management (Scope of the project, customer interaction and project budget etc.). The team lead is more of a technical position with a touch of project management.

I would say Team Lead is 70% technical and 30% managerial.

When it comes to management, team lead's responsibilities limited to technically managing his/her team, task allocation, solving show stopper problems, assisting if any of the team members cannot proceed further, mentoring team technically and functionally, conducting status meetings, gap analysis etc..

Team lead also coordinates with project manager on identifying correct resources for projects. Team lead should know who is best in his team to do a certain task.

Team lead also should leverage between quality of code and time lines. If required, team lead needs to spent extra effort on top of regular working hours and need to convince team members to stay back when required. Although working late hours is surely a project management problem, however sometimes it is required!


45⟩ How does a team lead identify performance problems and solve the same among their team members?

Team lead should be technically sound to under stand the effort required to complete a job. In case he finds any irregularity in the job delivery, or the progress is not in good pace. he should consult first with the job holder to understand the road blocker.

He needs to identify the symptoms and need to find the cure. In case situation can be handled with the help of simple help/guidance, provide him. In case delivery are near, and there is no time to train the member. Let him know the situation that you have to take this step and switch the responsibility with other. Once the situation is over, give him to understand where he lack and motivate him to get expertise.


46⟩ Tell me as a team lead how do you pacify an angry client?

There are two rules to follow when dealing with a client:

1st : Client is always Right

2nd: Even if the client is Wrong, Refer to rule no 1.

Since the client is angry, as a lead accept the mistake (blame) whatever the client has to say. If you start with this... the client is bound to get relaxed after 5/10 minutes of shouting... Then try to explain the game plan to follow from NOW (Please prepare for this as a lead you should be ready for this anytime).


47⟩ How to control attrition when you are a team lead?

Attrition is something which software companies have to deal with regularly. If a person has decided to leave, little can be done about it. But a project lead should try to minimise the effect of this on other team members. He should talk to other people in team and find out how they are feeling. Necessary steps should be taken to retain those who are in the team by showing recoginition to work, meetings with those who are showing signs of displease.


48⟩ Explain how to lead a team in new functional area, in which your do not have full understanding ? How do you measure the objectives and team members outputs?

Make understand the team members that this is new functionality for the team and arrange KT session for this with the person who were already expertise in this. Then organanise these knowledges as per the process which were already followed by previous experts of this new functionality.

In case if the functionality is entirely new and if our team is the first going to handle this, then with the selected top performing resource and team lead should arrange for the training sessions with the clients and other stack holders and then bring a process and have frequent reviews till this new process being implemented successfully.


51⟩ How do you know your department or your team is performing well?

Performance of a team can be assesed by client satisfaction with the deliverables be it reduction in defects , meeting SLA's and deadlines. It can also be assessed from monetary point of view if the man hours required to complete a specific task is less compared to estimated , this leads to addition in project revenue .

Other parameters to judge the performance could be willingness of the customer to do more business with the same team , more openings for new resources


52⟩ What steps must a team leader take to motivate the team?

These are the few steps you should take to motivate the team

1) Don't even think of selling the credit of a team member on your name. Give the credit to individual in team and encourage him/her for the same verbally.

2) In case of some bad reputation comes to your team, try to shield the team members from losing their morals, but do not forget to take or suggest preventive steps to let happen same thing again.

3) Start work by self on some of the tasks which are boring though required (like documentation) before asking team members to do the work.

There are lot many tips like this one, but these few will help get hold of the team.


54⟩ Which was the most embarrassing moment you had with a Client. Any time you have faced a situation with the client where the client was not agreeing with you. How did you react?

One of the way is the buy time. Also ask the client what are the other questions related to the subject.

Analyse the client requirement and think calmly and respond to him with either 1 or 2 options (produce data analysis and supportive documents if necessary). By this way even the client is happy that all his queries are answered in one go.


55⟩ How have you demonstrated leadership in your current position?

In my opinion, you don't need to give a demo at the time of intrview. The best way ofcourse is to bring the intrview panel slowly towards dicussing what problems you faced at the time you were managing at your present Co.

For eg. there might have been a mutiny amongst the team members. How you coped with that severe thing. Tell them how you managed them separately.


56⟩ Why is people management attribute very important for a team lead?

If Team Lead knows the capabilities and deficiencies of his/her team member, then it is easy for him/her to assign the task based on the capabilities. And he can also work on the team members deficiencies to over come it, so the team member can work efficiently. This is only possible when Lead has good people management skills. If he wants to get his work done then he has to keep the team happy. So, if team is happy they'll be motivated and work efficiently.


57⟩ What you will do when you have 4 members team and two person need leave for the marriage purpose?

Ofcourse the situation will be unique.

1) Well this totally depends on the type of process. If you have a team of 4 members and 2 are asking for marriage leave, then first of all look the dates of their

marriage. Because you cannot deny to give them the leaves for the marriage.

2) If you have a team of 4 members then its quite possible that it was being taken into consideration that one or 2 members may ask for the leave, so the team should be able to run with 3 members .

3) Make everyone aware about the scenario and let everyone know that they need leaves for the

marriage. If the marriage dates have slight difference then its good for you.

Then you can actually ask the members also if they can shorten the time-span of the leaves.

4) Moreover if the process is a backend process where you your self are trained, Then I dont think that you should be ashamed of helping others 2, and if needed then can request others to work little longer than the normal hours.


58⟩ If a lead is not happy with the supervisor/manager, is it advisable to talk to his/her supervisor or is there any other option?

If a unhappy lead wish to have word with the manager I feel like there is nothing wrong how ever he has to follow the the hirearchy of management.

The agent has to sit with the immidiate sup. and discuss the matter may be a possibility that the sup. will be able to give one of the best solution of his unhappyness. because most of the time the reason of unhappyness is either the monotonous work or money or something personal.


59⟩ What are the important responsibilities of Team Leaders?

Prepare reports and maintain records of work accomplishments and

administrative information, as required, and coordinate the preparation,

presentation, and communication of work-related information to the supervisor.

Report to the supervisor periodically on team and individual work

accomplishments, problems, progress in mastering tasks and work processes, and

individual and team training needs.

Intercede with the supervisor on behalf of the team to inform the

supervisor of performance management issues/problems and to recommend/request

related actions, such as assignments, reassignments, promotions, tour of duty

changes, peer reviews, and performance appraisals.

Coach, facilitate, solve work problems, and participate in the work of the


Observe training needs and relay training needs and requests to supervisor