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“Online Advertising related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Online Advertising. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

70 Online Advertising Questions And Answers

42⟩ Tell us what Do You Mean By Reach And Frequency? Do You Think These Factors Are Inversely Proportional In A Given Budget? Why?

The number of different persons or households exposed to a particular media, schedule at least once during a specified time period - is called reach. Whereas. The number of times within the specified time period that an average person or household is exposed to the message - is called frequency. They are not inversely proportional. One can choose different channels to use different segment’s using appropriate frequency. However, within a segment the rule seems to be applied.


44⟩ Tell me is there anything we are doing wrong right now? How would you change it?

Here comes the question which demands you to know a lot about the company for which you have applied. Therefore, it is always better to do your research and go through the company’s website, check their social media profiles, get a clear idea about their clients and then you will easily know what is wrong with company’s current strategy. However, just because you spotted some shortcomings, don’t just jump on the opportunity to point it out.

It is perfect to point out their mistake but never end your answer without a proper explanation of why you think it is a problem and what could be the possible solutions to fix those issues.


45⟩ Explain me as A Marketing Manager Of An Insurance Company. How Do You Go About Designing An Effective Communication Program For Your Company?

Insurance is a pure service. The intangibility of the service makes it difficult for people to appreciate its worth. The advertisement campaign should therefore be straight forward and simple. The message can be benefit-based visual picturization. A comfortable, though bereaved family, old couple (happy), children’s education / marriage etc.


47⟩ Tell us what is the most effective way to increase traffic to a website?

To effectively increase traffic to a website, one should focus on building referral links and to invest in consistent SEO management. It will not only help one gain visitors but will also help in building brand recognition. However, the most important factor is to focus on User Retention by providing a good User Experience.

For instance, getting a Moz link and receiving 10k visitors on the website is quite a good result. Though you must note that the conversion rate will be relatively low. However, the converted leads are certain to land on the website multiple times. But if you focus on creating a good user experience and in turn on retaining users, you will experience an increased conversion rate gained from those thousands of visits in a couple of months. By focusing on engaging the user, you can build a platform on which people will keep coming back.


48⟩ Please explain is Advertising The Only Way To Entice A Target Market Towards Product?

Advertising is not the only way to entice customers to buy the product. Advertising itself can’t sell products or services. It is one of the elements in the marketing mix of product, price, place and promotion. And the four elements of the marketing mix when focused on consumer satisfaction results in attracting the target consumer to the product or service. Advertising is an effective tool to communicate, convince and induce purchaser behavior of consumers when all the other elements are aligned to consumers tastes and interests.


49⟩ Tell me in what ways can you categorize the term Digital Marketing?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions in a Digital Marketing interview. This is also one of those trap questions that could give away the level of your understanding of basics. Even though there are many ways to categorize Digital Marketing, owing to the dynamism and vastness of available options, the term Digital Marketing is generally categorized into two major segments from the point of view of traffic and lead generation


50⟩ Explain me what are the limitations of Online Marketing?

Some of the limitations of Digital Marketing are:

☛ Intense Competition : since online marketing is easily accessible, cost-effective and more accountable by design, it has become a preferred method for most brands. It’s an uphill task to stand out and get noticed amongst such intense competition.

☛ It can get overwhelming : there is so much information, so much data, onslaught of tools for everything, too many options that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and become confused. It takes practice and experience to get your head around it.

☛ Analytics is only as good its user : sure, there’s analytics for every thing but you can’t do anything with plain data unless you know how to read it and how to make good use of it. It can easily become misleading and you can get stuck in chasing vain metrics and burning marketing cash at the wrong places.


52⟩ Please explain what Do You Know About Internet Advertising?

Today Internet is one of the easiest means to advertise which in turn helps marketers to consume. There are certain rules, which have to be followed and applied as similar to other forms of advertising. Those rules will help business and consumers to maintain the internet credibility, which is a highly effective advertising medium.


53⟩ Tell us do you know the difference between branding and direct marketing?

☛ In branding:

An advertiser needs to expose his brand on applications and sites with mass reach. The most popular methods are custom ads, YouTube ads, remarketing, and display ads target.

☛ In direct marketing:

The advertiser is interested in communicating with the target audience. The most common campaigns are dynamic search ads, shopping ads, Search Network Only etc.


54⟩ Tell us what attracted you to Digital Marketing industry?

Be honest here.

Answer why you applied for this job in the first place? Did the industry’s reputation attract you? Or the high-paying jobs in Digital Marketing industry? Talk about the potential that you see in Digital Marketing in both near and long-term future. This would also help you showcase that you’re well read and updated about your chosen field.

By asking this question, the interviewer wants to know your commitment to the industry and see what makes you the best pick among all the candidates available. Therefore, it is important that you show full commitment and enthusiasm for the industry.


55⟩ Tell us how Would You Design And Promote An Advertising Campaign?

An advertisement campaign must comprise of the following:

☛ A solid marketing plan

☛ Advertising budget

☛ Media buying and planning

☛ Choosing the right target audience

☛ Selection of relevant advertising medium

☛ Consistency in campaign theme and

☛ Frequency.


58⟩ Explain what Do You If You Run Out Of Ideas For New Ad?

One should always be creative when you are in advertising field. When you are running out of ideas refer internet, forums, open source ad sense, and blogs, advanced search engine options, use various communication groups, and approach them for to get ideas.


59⟩ Explain me how would you setup, track, and analyze if a campaign was a success?

Talk about the driving goal of the campaign which could vary from increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or boost social media followers. According to the objective of the campaign, a strategic plan would be laid out.

You must also talk about tracking the progress of the campaign via Google Analytics or any other reputed monitoring tool to stay updated with the campaign’s progress. Explain how you are going to go about it. It is important that you mention visions which can be acted upon.


60⟩ What is Unfair Ad?

Unfair advertising is very dangerous to consumers that involve legal binding. When there is an occurrence of public policy and consumer rights violation in an advertising message, then it is coined as “Unfair advertising”.