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“Driving Test Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Driving is the controlled operation of a land vehicle, such as a car, truck or bus. Although direct operation of a bicycle and a mounted animal are commonly referred to as riding, such operators are legally considered drivers and are required to obey the rules of the road. Get preparation for a job of Driving with the help of this Driving Test Interview Questions with Answers guide”

117 Driving Questions And Answers

1⟩ As you are driving, you should

1. Keep to the right-hand side of the lane.

2. Keep to the left-hand side of the lane.

3. Keep to the center of the lane.

4. It depends on which lane you are in and the hazards that are around you.

Answer: 4


4⟩ When changing lanes you should

1. Signal and then proceed.

2. Check your mirrors and your blind spot and then proceed.

3. Check your mirrors, signal, check your blind spot and then proceed.

4. Check your mirrors, signal and then proceed.

Answer: 3


6⟩ A flashing red light means

1. Stop, and wait for the light to turn green.

2. Stop, and proceed when it is safe to do so

3. Slow down to check for oncoming traffic and proceed when it is safe.

4. The flashing red light simply indicates an uncontrolled intersection.

Answer: 2


7⟩ A flashing green light means

1. This is a pedestrian-controlled traffic light.

2. You can continue through the intersection as long as it's clear.

3. This light simply warns you that you are entering an intersection.

4. A. and B. are correct

Answer: 4


12⟩ When approaching a railway crossing you should

1. Watch for warning lights that indicate an approaching train.

2. Watch for motorcycle riders and cyclists who may slip on the wet tracks.

3. Realize that trains always have the right of way.

4. All of the above.

Answer: 4


15⟩ Taking more than one parking spot is

1. Expected if you have a nice car.

2. Something that may encourage aggression in other drivers.

3. Acceptable if there aren't many other cars in the parking lot.

4. One way of protecting your car.

Answer: 2


19⟩ When using your turn signal, you should

1. Make sure you don't use it too soon, or other drivers may become confused as to where you are turning.

2. Make sure it is turned off after your turn or lane change is complete.

3. Make sure you use it in time to give other drivers a warning that you are going to turn.

4. All of the above.

Answer: 4