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“Driving Test Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Driving is the controlled operation of a land vehicle, such as a car, truck or bus. Although direct operation of a bicycle and a mounted animal are commonly referred to as riding, such operators are legally considered drivers and are required to obey the rules of the road. Get preparation for a job of Driving with the help of this Driving Test Interview Questions with Answers guide”

117 Driving Questions And Answers

83⟩ If you are faced with turbulence, you should

1. Get off the road immediately.

2. Watch out for vehicles that could be forced into your path, such as motorcycles and campers.

3. Speed up so that you have more control of the car.

4. Honk while passing large trucks to let them know you're there.

Answer: 2


85⟩ If your headlights ever fail, you should

1. Try turning the light switch on and off rapidly.

2. Trust your parking lights to make you visible to other vehicles.

3. Use your hazard lights.

4. A. and C. are correct.

Answer: 4


87⟩ In order to keep focused while driving you should

1. Keep your eyes moving; scan the entire driving scene.

2. Pull over and stop if you need to talk on a cell phone.

3. Keep predicting what will happen next, and plan your moves.

4. All of the above.

Answer: 4


88⟩ When approaching a railway crossing you should

1. Look for advance warning signs such as flashing lights, gates, or a sign alerting you to an upcoming crossing.

2. Watch out for other road users, especially motorcyclists and cyclists who may slip on the tracks.

3. Observe carefully, especially at night, as trains often appear to be moving more slowly than they actually are.

4. All of the above.

Answer: 4


89⟩ Consuming one glass of beer before driving is

1. Never a problem; there is not that much alcohol in one glass of beer.

2. OK if you have a cup of coffee as well.

3. Problematic for some people and can cause impairment.

4. OK if you have eaten a large meal.

Answer: 3


94⟩ When backing up you should

1. Do a 360-degree vision check before you begin.

2. Turn your body to look out the rear window.

3. Be especially careful when backing out of a driveway.

4. All of the above.

Answer: 4


96⟩ When should you slow down to 30 km/h near a playground?

1. As soon as you notice that you are near a playground.

2. When you see the playground sign.

3. When you see the playground sign accompanied by a 30 km/h speed limit.

4. During daylight hours when you see the playground sign accompanied by a 30 km/h speed limit.

Answer: 4


97⟩ When entering a freeway you should always

1. Slow down and proceed when it is safe.

2. Stop and make sure there is no traffic approaching.

3. Accelerate to the same speed as the freeway traffic and merge smoothly.

4. Go as fast as you can and swing abruptly into traffic.

Answer: 3


98⟩ If your car breaks down on the freeway, you should

1. Pull over to the far right and walk to the next exit.

2. Put on your emergency flashers, pull over to the far right and walk to the next exit.

3. Signal, pull over to the far right, stay with your vehicle and raise the hood.

4. Stop wherever you are and go for help.

Answer: 3