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“Driving Test Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Driving is the controlled operation of a land vehicle, such as a car, truck or bus. Although direct operation of a bicycle and a mounted animal are commonly referred to as riding, such operators are legally considered drivers and are required to obey the rules of the road. Get preparation for a job of Driving with the help of this Driving Test Interview Questions with Answers guide”

117 Driving Questions And Answers

41⟩ Driving more slowly than surrounding traffic is

1. A good idea if the weather is bad.

2. Often a hazard since other drivers may become frustrated and try to pass you.

3. Appropriate if you don't know the speed limit.

4. Always appropriate if other people are speeding.

Answer: 2


43⟩ Tailgating is dangerous because

1. The vehicle in front can block your view of hazards ahead.

2. If the vehicle in front of you stops, you may not have time to stop safely.

3. You may have difficulty tailgating and talking on your cell phone at the same time.

4. A. and B. are correct.

Answer: 4


49⟩ If you are in an intersection waiting to turn left and the light turns yellow, you should

1. Complete your turn as quickly as possible; you are not allowed to be in the intersection when the light turns red.

2. Make sure no oncoming cars are trying to beat the red light and complete your turn safely.

3. Back up and wait for the next green light.

4. Drive straight through the intersection before the light turns red; you've missed your chance to turn.

Answer: 2


50⟩ You may turn left ahead of oncoming traffic if

1. You see the advance green arrow at the bottom of the regular set of traffic lights.

2. You see the green arrow on a separate set of traffic lights designated for left turns.

3. You don't have an advance green arrow or a separate left-turn signal, but you think you can make it before oncoming traffic proceeds into the intersection.

4. A. and B. are correct.

Answer: 4


51⟩ You may cross a bicycle lane when

1. There is a broken white line.

2. You want to park in that lane.

3. You are turning in or out of a driveway.

4. A. and C. are correct.

Answer: 4


53⟩ If your hood flies up while you are driving you should

1. Stop wherever you are.

2. Try to look through the crack below the hood or open your window to look in the direction you are travelling.

3. Slow down, turn on the hazard lights and steer over to the side of the road.

4. B. and C. are correct.

Answer: D


55⟩ If you are in an accident you must

1. Stop to give assistance and to give your name and insurance information to others involved in the accident.

2. Stop only if the accident is serious.

3. Stop only to check whether damage has occurred.

4. Stop to give assistance and to give your name and insurance information to others involved in the accident only if someone is injured.

Answer: A


56⟩ When are you permitted to pass in the oncoming lane?

1. When there is a yellow double solid line in the center of the road.

2. When there is a broken yellow line in the center of the road.

3. When there is a broken white line in the center of the road.

4. You should never pass in the oncoming lane.

Answer: B


58⟩ When a school bus displays flashing red lights

1. You can pass on the left, as long as the bus is parked.

2. You must stop if you are behind the bus, but you can continue if you are approaching from the opposite direction.

3. You cannot pass the bus in either direction.

4. You should slow down to the school zone speed limit.

Answer: C