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“Driving Test Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Driving is the controlled operation of a land vehicle, such as a car, truck or bus. Although direct operation of a bicycle and a mounted animal are commonly referred to as riding, such operators are legally considered drivers and are required to obey the rules of the road. Get preparation for a job of Driving with the help of this Driving Test Interview Questions with Answers guide”

117 Driving Questions And Answers

102⟩ If someone is tailgating you, you should

1. Slow down slightly to increase the space in front of your car, allowing you extra space to stop more gradually if you need to.

2. Move into another lane.

3. Pull over to let the tailgater pass.

4. Any of the above.

Answer: 4


108⟩ You may pass on the right when

1. You are on a two or more-laned roadway.

2. A driver ahead of you is turning left, and it is safe to go around.

3. There is a paved shoulder.

4. A. and B. are correct

Answer: D


111⟩ If your tire blows while driving you should

1. Slam on the brakes, hold the wheel firmly, and pull over to the side of the road.

2. Drive as fast as you can to the nearest service station.

3. Take your foot off the gas, hold the wheel firmly, gently press on the brakes and steer in the direction you want to go; pull over as soon as you can.

4. Stop immediately so that you don’t ruin your tires even more.

Answer: C


112⟩ When pulling away from the curb, you should

1. Shoulder check, then pull out when safe.

2. Check your rear-view mirror, then pull out when safe.

3. Signal, shoulder check, then pull out when safe.

4. Signal, check your rear-view mirror, then pull out when safe.

Answer: D


113⟩ If your brakes fail you should

1. Keep driving until you run out of gas.

2. Pull rapidly on the parking brake.

3. Pump the brakes rapidly, shift into a lower gear, pull gently on the parking brake and use your horn to warn other drivers.

4. Keep your hand on the horn so everyone gets out of the way.

Answer: C


117⟩ If you are going into a curve too quickly, you should

1. Slam on your brakes.

2. Pump the brakes, gradually slowing down until you can stop.

3. Pull the emergency brake and steer into the curve.

4. Ease off the accelerator, then speed up slightly as you regain traction.

Answer: D