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“McDonald Delivery based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as McDonald Food Delivery. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

77 McDonald Food Delivery Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain what kind of service is better? Fast or friendly?

I said friendly because if there was a delay on the food but you were friendly they would be willing to wait where as if the service was fast with no interaction with the customers then it wouldn't give the restaurant a good loom. The manager understood what I meant and he said its better to have a bit of both. He said whilst working in mcds you'll learn how to balance this but some people are still get to learn.


3⟩ Tell us how would you greet a customer?

"How may I help you?"

It seems to me that such a question would be covered in your training, but I've been wrong before. Plus if you can't answer that question correctly without any formal training, this job might not be for you.


5⟩ Explain your leadership skills?

Leadership skills which includes effective communication, vision, motivating and inspiring other people to excel. It means helping others to mature and turn their mission and vision into truth, making hard decisions. The important thing is to demonstrate that with this experience you had to display qualities such as initiative, decisiveness, organisational abilities and the ability to manage, guide and motivate others. These are skills that can be transferred to any work context and will be invaluable to your future employer. So share your experience when you played a role of a leader and demonstrate your all skills effectively and what was the result.


7⟩ Explain me the reason of leaving the previous job?

The best strategy for effectively answering this tough interview question is to prepare for it. Here's how to be ready and how to recover when you're not. Take the opportunity to share what you've learned about the potential new company (demonstrating your interest in the opportunity). Talk about the environment and culture of this company, and how you feel it's a strong match with your strengths and experience.

First of all, I would like to thank my previous company. Because it gives an initial platform to my professional career. And I learnt a lot of things there like how to behave and communicate with clients, how to manage labours, technicians, sub contractors gently and friendly. But now I like to upgrade myself financially and professionally.


8⟩ Tell me how you maintain a friendly environment at work?

Here you need to describe an ideal healthy environment to your interviewer and how you maintain it at your work.

Here are some steps to maintain healthy environment at work:

☛ Develop a positive attitude

☛ Treat everyone with respect

☛ Practice active listening

☛ Connect on a personal level

☛ Develop relationships outside of work

☛ Work together for larger good


9⟩ Tell me how would deal with an employee who was frequently late?

When you are manager you rely on your employees to help you run your company efficiently. If an employee is consistently late, others in the company start to notice, oftentimes causing frustration and friction so it becomes your duty to handle it and same you need to share with your interviewer that how you use deal with it. Steps to deal with an employee who was frequently late:

☛ Identify the behavior

☛ Be proactive

☛ Verbalize your disappointment

☛ Come up with an action plan

☛ Respect a person's privacy

☛ Clearly outline the consequences

☛ * Reward improvements


10⟩ Tell me what was your biggest challenge?

Great challenges can mean great achievements but they can also mean great failures! The interviewer hasn't necessarily suggested you pick a challenge that you successfully surmounted so a weaker candidate could easily be caught out here. So when you're starting to talk about a challenge you've had, remember to avoid turning it into a negative and criticizing other people's work. You want to show that you can take accountability for your actions and deal with a challenge head on, rather than saying "I can't do this" or blaming someone else.

I went through many challenges which are easy going and tough. The word 'Challenge' itself says that it's going to be tough, but I take those challenges as my building steps for my career and face with my faithful efforts in a perfect way to defeat the toughest challenges.


11⟩ Tell me would you like to relocate if required?

Here you should be clear on this with your family prior to the interview if you think there is a chance it may come up. Do not say yes just to get the job if the real answer is no. This can create a lot of problems later on in your career. Be honest at this point and save yourself future grief. Confidence and enthusiasm go a long way even if your answer is a "Maybe" or "No," so don't count yourself out of the running if you cannot relocate.


15⟩ Tell me how would you handle an angry customer?

In order to keep your customers calm, you have to be calm. There is no way you'll be able to calm customers if you're yelling at them. Keep your clam, and just remember that they are going through a temporary tantrum.


16⟩ Tell me what salary are you seeking?

Be prepared to answer it well and with confidence by keeping these suggestions in mind. Show the interviewer your skills and worth by explaining your accomplishments before discussing salary, Magas says. "You need to convince them that the work you've done and are capable of doing warrants greater compensation because of its value and your value". By swaying the conversation away from salary and toward your skills you can show you're a good fit for the company, and by the time they bring up salary again, they may be willing to offer more than they would have earlier.


17⟩ Explain what experience you have in this field?

This is the most common question asked in interviews revolves around the candidate's experience. When you are asked questions related to the experience that qualifies you for the job, it's important to be very specific about your skills and experience. Instead of answering it broadly, try to use specific examples of how your past work prepares you for the new role. Here you need to speak about what you've done in the past or what you do in your present job that is related to the position you are applying for. Here you can also include free services you rendered to religious or social organizations, friends and relations. If you do not have any specific experience, get as close as possible.


18⟩ Why do you want this job as McDonald Food Delivery?

This question can be asked in different ways, why do you want to work here? Or why do you want this job? Another similar question could be why are you interested in this particular job? Keep in mind that you should try to construct an answer that will explain who you are and why you are there. Interviewers will be listening for a response that shows you've done research on the company. Your answer should also emphasize what you can contribute, what will you bring to the position? Be specific about what makes you a good fit for this role, and mention aspects of the company and position that appeal to you.


19⟩ Explain me about your past experience of customer service?

The ability to meet these needs efficiently and solving the customer's problem by having good product or service knowledge, enough information and a positive attitude is core to customer service. And that ability what interviewer wants to see by knowing your past experience in customer service because the first impression the customer gets of the business should be positive. Consider aspects such as accessibility, layout, cleanliness, offer of help from personnel. Example Answer : Providing customer service I have to remain courteous with customers including the difficult ones. I believe excellent customer service should involve a positive rapport with customers and ensuring you to provide them with what they need or suggest the best alternative.


20⟩ Explain me about your prior experience in overseeing people?

This the another way of knowing about your leadership skills. Here interviewer wanted to know about your leadership experiences. When you answer, it provide a brief summary of what you did, what impact it had and why you chose it as an example of your leadership capabilities. Leadership is a difficult quality to pinpoint as it can come in many shapes and sizes. It's important to think about your entire personal and work histories to identify your most impressive examples to use in an interview setting. Telling someone that you are a leader isn't going to cut it. You need to offer specific examples to describe why you are who you say you are, and that you are capable of taking on leadership roles in their company.