Senior Technical Support Engineer

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“Technical Support Engineer related Frequently Asked Questions in various Senior Technical Support Engineer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

105 Senior Technical Support Engineer Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me would you say that you are hands-on type of person?

One of the most important qualities required in a person handling any support position is his ability to be available immediately as the requirement arises. So, the only answer to this question is "YES". Develop an attitude of being available whenever you are required.


7⟩ Explain me difference between RAM and ROM?

RAM (Random Access Memory) – is used to temporarily store information that the computer is currently working on.

ROM (Read Only Memory) – This is a Permanent type of memory storage used by computers for important data which never changes. (Example: BIOS)


9⟩ Tell me as an IT support engineer have you learned from your mistakes?

The real fact is that everyone who works makes a mistake. There is no loss in making a mistake while working. The main aspect of asking this question is to know if the candidate makes mistakes and learns from it without repeating. To make this question an apt one, you can state an example where you made a mistake and learned from it and also never repeated the same.


12⟩ Tell me how you can take backup of emails in ms outlook?

To take a back-up in the ms outlook, you have to go in control panel. In control panel you have to go under mail option and then open the data file, select personal folder and click on open folder. After that, you have to copy .pst and have to paste it wherever you want the backup.


13⟩ Please explain about your basic technical experience and qualifications?

You can consider this question as an ice breaker. You will find yourself facing this question in almost all the interviews for this position. An effective answer to this question will summarize your basic technical qualification along with some information about the technologies and products you have worked on. Here, you can go on to talk about any revolutionary or recent technology you have worked on. For e.g. "I have completed by BE - Electronics with 78% marks and have a 2 years experience of working in the industry of security software. I have the privilege of working in the team which developed and supported the revolutionary Winsock Layer technology". The trick is to put the full stop at the right place to provoke the desired next question. With this answers, you can immediately expect a question "What is Winsock Layer Technology?"


14⟩ Do you know what is BIOS?

BIOS stands for Basic Input-Output System and is pronounced as “Bye-Ose“. The BIOS is available on all the computers. It makes sure that all the components of the computer can function together. It has information about all the hardware components in the Computer. BIOS can also be called as a Special Software that interfaces the major hardware components of a computer with the Operating System. It is usually stored in a Flash Memory Chip on the Motherboard.


19⟩ Tell me what is your style of management?

Tailor your answer to the management style of the company to show that your style will complement it. A good maxim to remember is ‘task needs, group needs and individual needs’. You might also mention motivation and delegation.