Tourist Guide

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“Tourist Guide related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Tourist Guide. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

74 Tourist Guide Questions And Answers

2⟩ Explain me what Is Intangibility?

It can be explained as services, which cannot be seen, tested, felt heard or smell or measured before they are delivered and received by customer. For example, travel experience, trust, confidence, hospitality, satisfaction, etc.


3⟩ Tell me what Is Product Formation?

It can be defined as putting different products and services together to form a product for the satisfaction of customer.

For Example: Hospitality is a product formation which is not made from a single item.


7⟩ Tell me what Is Amenities?

Extra facilities, service added with attraction, accessibility and accommodation to create tourism. It includes trust, friendship, hospitality, etc.


8⟩ Tell me many credit cards have yearly fees. How do you keep so many and still pay those fees?

Many credit card companies will let you move to a no-fee version of the card if you call up. You can also try to get the fee waived for another year or ask for extra points or something instead of canceling. Cards want to keep you on board, so they always offer incentives to make that happen. Most of the time I move to the no-fee card or cancel.


9⟩ Explain me what Is Inseparability?

To receive the service customer must be personally and physically present at the point of delivery. Customer cannot be separated from the point of delivery. Service is available at the Point of service Delivery (POD).


10⟩ Tell me if you are planning to be away for a long trip (possibly a year or longer), do you need to have domestic health insurance with the ACA requirement? Or would your travel medical insurance be enough?

Travel insurance doesn’t cover the ACA requirement, but if you are out of the country for more than 330 days, you don’t have to pay the penalty. If you aren’t going away for that long, you’ll have to either pay the penalty or get insurance. If you aren’t working, you’ll most likely be able to qualify for a waiver since you’ll fall below the income requirement, but it’s best to speak to an accountant for details on that.


11⟩ As you know working with tourists can be exhausting – people can be tired, cranky, sick, stubborn, they whine…And you need to be upbeat and full of energy for hours. What keeps you doing it? Whats most rewarding about this job?

What’s most rewarding is the feeling that I’m doing something good not just for me but for others, for my country. Those of us in tourism who are in direct contact with tourists, we also have a great responsibility, and I take a lot of pleasure in the fact that I still don’t feel the burden of that responsibility but rather find enjoyment in it.

I love seeing the spark in the eyes and smile on the face of a guest after seeing, for example, Plitvice, or another of our country’s beauties. I know then that I took part in the creating of an experience that is new for them. Of course, there are other experiences too, work which involves constant interaction with people is often draining, but fortunately it also renews you.


12⟩ Tell me how do you keep yourself motivated?

I focus on my goal(s) for that day or week or whenever. I set mini-goals within them and get the movation and enthusiasm when I accomplish them. It's mainly self-motivation and discipline.


13⟩ What’s your favorite campus tradition?

Unique traditions can really help deepen the sense of community on a college campus. You can feel like you’re part of something bigger because all students go through a similar experience. If this is an important factor for you, learning a little more about these traditions can help you get a feel for what it would be like to be a part of the student body.


14⟩ Tell me how Do You Deal With The Traditional Patterns Of Tourism?

SCTA deals with diverse tourism types in accordance with an integrated administrative methodology. The patterns of traditional tourism have already been listed and multiple studies on their emotional dimension and potential of their being reproduced again have been conducted. Research outcomes paved the way for developing regulatory frameworks to reproduce traditional souks, long-established games and traditional crafts through private and public institutions. These are experiencing a high demand from all segments of society.


15⟩ Tell me what Is Moment Of Truth?

It is the actual time when customer interacts with service staff. It is the moment of contact when no management has control. It is the motivation, skill, tools of the service and expectation, behavior, expectation of the customer determines the quality of the service.


17⟩ Explain me what Tour Guide Must Know?

A tour guide should know following things before he becomes professional

☛ Be aware of the geological condition about the place of the tour

☛ Be aware about the local accommodation and restaurant facility

☛ Knowledge about the history about the place

☛ Local hospital and Police station address for any emergency

☛ Likes and dislikes of the tourist

☛ Knowing more than one language including local language would be beneficial


18⟩ Tell me as A Tour Guide What Are The Career Options?

As a tour guide, you can work locally showing tourist city attractions or he can work as an international guide traveling to foreign destinations. In order to do that you have to take training for domestic, as well as foreign travelling.


19⟩ Tell me What Are Benefits And Opportunity For Cruise Ship Guide?

The benefits for cruise ship are immense

☛ You will have an experience travelling on the ocean

☛ You will meet different people and make contact for a long time

☛ It will give an opportunity to explore other culture, people, traditions, lifestyles, etc.

☛ You will always live a luxurious lifestyle on board

☛ You will be paid for travelling