Tourist Guide

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“Tourist Guide related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Tourist Guide. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

74 Tourist Guide Questions And Answers

22⟩ Tell me what Is Point Of Contact?

Place, item, product, staff, service customer contact to receive service. It can be building, service environment, delivery items, staffs, follow travelers which they contact and receive positive or negative feelings.


23⟩ How’s the food here?

This is a pretty basic question that will get your college tour guide to open up a little bit. Food can be such a unifying force on campus–everybody has to eat! For artists in particular, fueling your body is fueling your art. Find out if the college has one dining hall or several, what kind of meal plan options there are, and if there are any other kinds of restaurants on campus. Although you probably aren’t (and shouldn’t be) basing your college decision on the quality of food it serves, you can get to know a little more about the culture by learning how students eat.


24⟩ Explain what Are The Objectives Of Tourism?

Objectives of tourism are not limited to the aspects of entertainment only, although this constitutes one of the important aims. The new concept of tourism, which is adopted by SCTH and led by the government, considers tourism as a sector of multiple benefits, including economic, cultural, social, heritage and environmental benefits as related to different segments of the society. Hence, it is evident that, this sector has a set of nested dimensions and aspirations that are in the service of the individual and the society.


26⟩ Explain me what do you do when travel starts to feel repetitive? How do you keep each destination exciting when the same options are available?

When I start to get down on travel, I stop. I stay in whatever place I am, relax, rest, and get to know it. When I’m ready to move on, I move on. Everyone has down days on travel. It’s like life — ups and downs. Don’t push yourself. Just stop, rest, and go on when you’re ready.


28⟩ Explain me when you go abroad, do you go sightseeing with guides or alone? Why?

I usually travel on my own, and so I visit places independently, though I’m really grateful to some guides and their stories. When somebody is inspired by their job the time spent with them is enriching.

I really don’t have any rules, I play it by ear, sometimes it’s enough for me to sit on a square and soak in the atmosphere and by talking to a local I’ll find out a lot more than from a guidebook or guide.


29⟩ Tell me how do you deal with flying around the world without having an onward ticket?

This depends on the airline. Some airlines are really strict about you having an onward ticket, some aren’t. Other than in the UK and Ireland, I haven’t ever been asked at immigration to show onward proof. Technically, every country has this requirement but it’s not really enforced. However, I know a few airlines that won’t let you on without onward proof, so sometimes it’s good to buy a refundable ticket or a cheap bus ticket out just to satisfy them.


32⟩ Tell me why do you want a job while you're finishing school?

I think that having a job would give me a distinct and worthwhile experience. I would be doing something that's important to me, something that I think is related to what I want to do as a career when I get out of school, I think it could help me develop and practice a multitude of skills related to responsibility, professionalism, and public speaking. I think it would be a lot of fun and a worthwhile experience.


34⟩ Tell me How Can You Improve Tour Guide Skills?

You can improve tour guide skills by:-

☛ Know your audience: You must know your tourist, particularly when you want to influence specific group of people. You should know what age people you are addressing, where do they come from, what is the reason selecting particular destination and so on

☛ Manage the group: Manage tourist group properly, like they can see and hear correctly what you say, assure passengers a safe passage, be ready to handle unexpected medical situation and select comfortable and safe locations for stops

☛ Prepare the tour dynamics: Make tour dynamic by including sports, games, demonstrations or even cooking in the wild

☛ Analyze your tour: Keep tourist engaged and make them feel active. It should not be a long road trip in a deserted land, keep talking to the tourist at regular interval even you can tell them historical stories and myth related to that. Carry extra binoculars and pass it to passengers to have a better view, this will leave an impact on tourist.

☛ Make smooth transitions: At the end of the tour make a self-evaluation and figure it out whether you have carried out the tour the way you wanted and what are the area for improvisation. You can also rotate a feedback form to your tourist at the end of the tour.


36⟩ Explain me an example that demonstrates your school pride?

I love holy cross. In my time on Mt St James I have met so many wonderful people, knowledgeable caring professors, and experienced the greatest community I could imagine. The buidlings and campus in general are a sight to be held and you cannot help but to show them to prespectives.


37⟩ Tell me what Are The Main Achievements Of Scth In Tourism?

SCTH has set up objectives of a comprehensive strategy and progress in tourism. These strategic goals are achieved gradually and systematically. SCTH celebrates the empowerment of the concept of tourism in the Saudi citizens. SCTH has made a positive shift in its claim in this regard. It succeeded in transferring the concept of tourism to be associated with individuals and institutions as a social responsibility. Accordingly, new tourism activities and programs undergo systematic organization, based on institutional vision and prospective studies with the participation of all ministries in the government and private institutions that are directly and indirectly connected with the tourism industry.


38⟩ Tell me where do you get the information you share with tourists?

I collect information from various sources, mostly from books and published guides…I have a very well-equipped library at home. I have a tendency to go overboard and buy a book just because of a single sentence. I also like to buy guide books about Croatia written by foreign authors, they’re often better than ours, more dynamic and informative and they’re adapted to suit contemporary tourists.

The internet is also a readily available source of information. I like to hear and read stories about traditions and beliefs, I like to read about legends and tell the stories to guests, they’re easiest to remember. And the visitors themselves constantly inspire me with their questions which then motivate me to research further.