Tourist Guide

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“Tourist Guide related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Tourist Guide. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

74 Tourist Guide Questions And Answers

41⟩ Tell Me Has The Traditional Vision On Tourism Been Addressed And New Outlets Opened?

SCTA undertakes marketing the concept of tourism that enhances national, religious and social values and while not contradicting them. It stresses the importance of acquisition of national and cultural values in order to show respect, care and preservation of them. This is considered a shift in the social awareness towards tourism. Observers have noted the existence of such a positive shift for community-based tourism.


42⟩ Tell me what would you say is the difference between a good tour guide and a great tour guide?

The difference is in nuances which change everything, it’s because of the nuances that a good tour guide is remembered by a guest as a good tour guide, and a great one is remembered by name. A great tour guide is one which knows how to feel out a group and adjust the visit to suit their energy. She’ll always put herself in it, her experience and story, she’s not just a narrator but a creator.


44⟩ Tell me what Is Perishability?

Perishable services are those services, which cannot be stored. Unused service of a particular day cannot be sold next day or in advance.


45⟩ Explain Continuously Rendered Service?

Continuously rendered services are those services, which are prepared and provided only to the customers who are physically present. This kind of service is not finished in instant time; it is a process, which is extended to a time limit. It is a kind of face-to-face interaction. For example reservation service, restaurant service, massage, etc.


46⟩ Tell me What Is The Approach A Tour Guide Should Go For To Make His Tour Standout?

To stand out his tour, tour guide must do following things:

☛ Be a naturalist: Point out some significant natural landmark during your tour, natural habitat, and landscapes are always the tourist attraction.

☛ Speak about conservation: Tell them some information about how local have conserved this place and how much it is important for them. Give some direction of what to do and what not to do while tour like at some place taking pictures or touching of architectural statues is not allowed.

☛ Use interesting language or few words: Learn some basic words or language of the tourist you are guiding, it will help them to mix with you, and they will take interest in what you say.

☛ Intriguing opening: Always ask tourist about their interest and why they choose the place to visit, etc.

☛ Non-verbal communication: Your body language should be positive and use hand gestures while explaining them, smile and make eye contact. It will give them a sense of reliability and trust on you.


47⟩ Explain when Tourist Should Hire A Private Travel Guide?

A private travel guide can be hired for following conditions

When you have very little time and more places to cover

When you are visiting a chaotic or relatively dangerous location

Private tour guide knows the tricks to take the tourist out from a crowded place and take them to their destinations When language and communication becomes a barrier, tour guides are very useful When you don’t know which is the best place for dining that is hygienic and safe When you want to get rid of the hassle of ticket booking, checking operation hours, timing reservations, etc.

During a long stay at any place, private guide can help you to cut down your living cost During an adventure trip, like visiting safari park, you need a private tour guide to keep your life safe from unexpected incidents.

When access to certain religious places is not allowed for foreigner’s, tour guide can negotiate with the locals or administrator.


49⟩ Tell me what Is Hospitality In Terms Of Hotel Industry?

Hospitality actually means, "taking care of guests in the best possible way".

☛ Organizing, providing services and looking care after guests is included in it.

☛ It means friendly and generous treatment of guests.

Hospitality industry includes all companies involved in providing services for guests. They provide more mental satisfaction than tangible objects.


50⟩ Explain how well do you know your way around our campus?

I know my way around campus quite well. As a junior, I have had classes in every part of campus. That being said, since campus is so large, there are always new buildings that I am discovering exist. So sometimes I have to pull out the myUW app to look up a campus map.


51⟩ Explain what Type Of Work Is Involved In Travel And Tourism Industry?

Travel and Tourism industry is mainly concerned with giving services to people who are going away from home, either on business trip or on a vacation. This industry work area involves dealing with customers, providing ticketing and money exchange facilities, arranging visas, making reservations, providing tourist guides and all-important details that are needed.


52⟩ Tell me when did you decide to become a tour guide? What led to that decision?

I dreamed of traveling from the time I was a child and everything I imagined myself doing for a living one day was always related to travel. One step spontaneously let to another…I graduated, was looking for work, and saw a flyer for a course for tour guides and I enrolled. Friends from my early years at school who were already working as guides were taking the class. They recommended me to the agencies they were working for and that’s how it all began.


55⟩ Tell me what was your roommate situation like?

If you’re living on campus, you might be a little concerned about your “roommate situation.” Ask current students or your college tour guide about what it was like with their roommate freshman year, where they lived, how they liked it. Find out if the school tries to put students from the same major together. When you ask for personal stories, you’re more likely to get a real look into what dorm life is like.


57⟩ Tell me what Is High Touch Service?

These are those services which are already prepared but the customer receive it only when he wants. For e.g. room reservation, fast food, printed information, housekeeping service, etc.


58⟩ Tell me what Are The Benefits Of Hiring Tour Guide?

The benefits of hiring tour guide is

☛ You have an immediate access to those things that you are not aware of otherwise

☛ You will learn more about culture in-depth from someone on the inside

☛ You will have little more security and companionship

☛ Flexibility to change your travel plan and to set up priority


60⟩ Tell me what Is Village Tourism?

To utilize village and villagers for the purpose of tourism. Tourism managed and operated by villagers for the villagers. Tourism managed and operated by villagers for the villagers.