
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Negotiation skills interview questions part 4

31. You're in negotiations and the other side uses unethical tactics such as intimidation. How do you handle the situation?

32. You're in negotiations and the other side gives you inconsistent information that leads you to believe they're lying. Do you point this out to them?

33. Why are cross cultural negotiations challenging?

34. What does it mean to demonstrate good faith in negotiations? Why is it helpful?

35. What is the difference between mediation and arbitration?

36. If you were mentoring a junior employee in negotiations, what advice would you give them?

37. Do leaders make better negotiators? Why / why not?

38. How do you manage time in negotiations?

39. What are your hot buttons (things that trigger your emotions)?

40. How do you control your emotions in stressful negotiations?


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