Cargo Agent

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“Cargo Agent related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Cargo Agent. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

69 Cargo Agent Questions And Answers

3⟩ What is commodity code?

Code used in the Harmonised System for the classification of goods, which are mostcommonly produced and traded


4⟩ What is authorisation?

The commission to a certain person or body to act on behalf of another person or body ; the person or body can be authorised e.g. to issue air waybills or to collect freight


7⟩ Explain me how would you deal with a difficult customer?

☛ First, state you would listen to the customer and find out what their complaint is.

☛ Then say you would sympathize with the customer.

☛ Next, help the customer with their complaint and if you could not do anything you would escalate the problem to your manager.


8⟩ Explain how do you work under pressure?

Obviously, airlines get very busy. Especially during the holidays. Give the interviewer a great example of how you worked well under pressure in school or your last job.


10⟩ Tell me how would you deal with an upset customer?

☛ First, state you would listen to the customer and understand the complaint.

☛ Then state you would sympathize with the customer.

☛ Next, say you would try and fix the problem.

☛ Finally, mention you would learn from the experience and if the customer was still upset, say you would not let it impact your service to other customers.


12⟩ What is harmonised System?

A numeric multi purpose system for the classification of goods with its six digits covering about 5000 descriptions of the products or groups of products most commonly produced and traded, designed for customs purposes, but can also be used for statistics, transport purposes, export, import and manufacturing; the international convention on the HS was established under auspices of the World Customs Organisation in 1983


14⟩ What is customs invoice?

(Pro forma) Invoice for import declaration (customs and statistics) purposes, stating the commercial price, added with the costs for freight, insurance and packing etc., terms of delivery and payment


17⟩ Tell us what duties have you performed in the role of a cargo agent?

As a cargo agent, I have been busy performing many duties, such as loading and unloading freight, receiving and processing orders, and preparing and examining bills of laden.

In addition, I have been responsible for collecting fees and processing payments. Moreover, my duties include examining manifests and notifying consignees of logistics. Checking import and export documentation to determine cargo contents is also part of my work.