Safety Officer

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“Safety Officer based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Safety Officer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

176 Safety Officer Questions And Answers

41⟩ Explain what are the responsibility for workers for safety?

1. Report unsafe condition to supervisor

2. Do not operate the machine without knowing the operation

3. Before starting the machine, whether the machine is in condition not

4. Use correct tools

5. Follow the safety rules

6. Always do not horse play

7. Do not lift over load

8. Do not chit on at with others


42⟩ Explain precaution for electric shock?

☛ Use dry hard gloves & rubber sole, safety boots, gum boots

☛ The electric holder must be fully insulted

☛ Proper protection for the body

☛ During chipping of slag use white goggles


45⟩ Tell us control measure of work at height?

i. Use safety belt with proper anchoring above head.

ii. Special training must be given before starting the job.

iii. All scaffolds must be erected by skill persons.

iv. No work after sun set

v. Every platform should free from unnecessary obstruction

vi. Grease, mud, paint removed from working platform


47⟩ Explain personal protective equipments? P.P.E?

1. Head protection – Hard hat, cap, and helmet

☛ Made – aluminum, PVC, fiber glass, Plastic

☛ Protect – heal, spark, danger materials

2. Face and eye protection – Spectacles, Welding goggles, face shield

☛ Protect – flying particles, radation

3. Hand protection – Gloves, hand pads

☛ Made – leather, rubber, PVC, asbestos

☛ Protect – acid, oil grease, pure Alex rubber gloves electrical

4. Foot and leg protection – Safety shoes, gum boots, foot leg guard

☛ Made – Metal, leather, rubber

☛ Project – falling materials and electrical work

5. Body protection – Apron, hood, coverall, jacket

☛ Made rubber, leather canvas, lead, PVC asbestos

☛ Asbestos hood – Fire fighting

☛ Rubber, PVC full suit – ( Corrosively liquid, fumes, vapour

☛ Safety belts – work exceeds 3 mts

6. Ear production – earmuff – noise – 30 – 135DB

7. Ear plug – 115 – 120 DB


50⟩ Explain handling of compressed gas cylinders?

1. They are not to be dragged or dropped

2. They should be stored in dry and well ventilated places

3. Chins and slings should not be used for lifting cylinders.

4. the caps of the cylinders should not be removed when they are not the use.

5. Cylinders should not be stored near hot sources

6. Acetylene cylinders should not be stored horizontally

7. Empty cylinders and fully cylinders should be stored separately

8. Leakage cylinders removed to open space and release the gas without getting ignited.


51⟩ Explain what precautions are necessary in electrical work?

1. All electrical installations shall be as per Indian electricity rules

2. Only competent persons should handle the electrical equipments

3. The equipments should be earthed properly

4. All temporary electric lines should be drawn at least above man’s height

5. Cable should be completely insulted

6. Cable should not have any joints

7. Only connection for one point

8. Good house keeping on the area

9. Fire protection equipment to be kept near by

10. Use rubber gloves and rubber boots

11. Use good quality of wire

12. Power isolation close to the job

13. Use three pin plug instead of loose wire

14. Never operate any electrical equipment with wet hands

15. Never stand wet surface while working electrical equipments

16. During thunder storm do not stand under tree

17. Proper sign board is necessary

18. No person shall work on any live electrical conductor

19. The switch shall only be put on by person who switched it off


52⟩ Tell me what are the precaution for “sandblasting”?

1. Compressed airline, hoses and other fitting must installment firmly with out leaks the hose.

2. Mis use compress are should be avoided

3. A fresh air hood or mask must be worn

4. House keeping can be done period cally

5. Fire extinguish her shall be kept near by

6. Dust mask ear plugs / muffs should be used

7. No sand blasting shall be done on top of floating roof tank in service.

8. Use goggles & face shield

9. Sand blasting operation must be gas free


54⟩ Explain me what is safety audit?

The safety audit is the process that identifies un-safe conditions and unsafe acts the plant and recommended safety improvement.Walk through It evaluates the unsafe condition notice able to naked eye during work through the plant. ( Stores, civil work, erection work) Inter mediate-more details study and review of plant design and plant operation. Comprehensive –It evaluates the safety factors in the plant on the base engineering, analysis, testing, measurement.


56⟩ Explain me how would you handle a plant manager who thought safety procedures were a waste of time?

This question is partly about whether you’re naïve enough to think that everyone is as enchanted with safety as you are, and it’s partly about how you handle opposition. A good answer would include trying to convince the plant manager of the importance of safety using facts and figures (accident claims, down time, lawsuits, etc.). You’d also want to cover what you’d do if you absolutely couldn’t win the plant manager over. One good answer could be acknowledging both the plant manager’s feelings as well as the company’s requirements that he abide by safety regulations anyway – and asking for his suggestions on what they can do.


58⟩ Do you know what is safety surveys?

Safety surveys are made to have detailed observations of all types of unsafe physical and environment conditions as well as unsafe practices committed the health and comfort or workers.


59⟩ Explain me how is audit conducted?

1. Preliminary visit and understanding the factory

2. Identify the audit element

3. Prepare the questionnaire

4. Get the reply from the company

5. Discussion with management, executives & workers.

6. Cross Verification at site

7. Preparation of report.


60⟩ Explain a brief note about act related with session?

The factory Act – 1948 Petroleum Act – 1934

The mines Act – 1952 Water Act – 1974

Automatic energy Act – 1962 Air Act – 1948

Railways Act – 1890

Indian electricity Act – 1910

Indian boilers Act – 1884

Workmen compensation Act – 1948

Employee’s state insurance Act – 1948