Safety Officer

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“Safety Officer based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Safety Officer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

176 Safety Officer Questions And Answers

81⟩ Explain me about the biggest challenge on your last job?

The purpose of this question is to get some insight into your personality and to what type of thing you find difficult. If you describe something that’s a common occurrence at your prospective employer, you’re unlikely to get the job. One good approach is to mention things that are likely to annoy your prospective employer, too, like employees who are always trying to circumvent safety procedures.


87⟩ Tell us what control measures area necessary in confined space?

1. Enter with air line BA sets

2. Use 24v flame proof hand lamps

3. A hole watch to be kept near man hole

4. Keep fire fighting equipment ready

5. Gas test to be done to check for oxygen level

6. Provide blowers

7. Don’t smoke in confined space

8. Use ropes and harness

9. The spaces clean before entry

10. Use non sparking tools it there is any risk of flammable vapors being present.


89⟩ Do you know what is UEL?

The maximum proporation of vapour, gasses and dust in air above which proposal the flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition is called UEL.


90⟩ Do you know what is Safety?

☛ It is a condition which gives you freedom from hazard, risk, accident which may cause injury, damage and loss to material or property damage and even death.

☛ Safety is defined as freedom from those condition that can cause injury to persons including death or damage to property or environment.


91⟩ Tell us how do you handle record-keeping?

Your prospective employer is trying to determine whether you place proper importance on protecting the company from liability. A good answer may go something like this: “I’ve found that keeping accurate records, while it may not be exciting, is critical in protecting both the company and the employees. If there were an accident, for instance, it would be important to be able to prove that we had provided necessary training and had the right policies in place. I also think it’s crucial to make a thorough report of an accident right away, while the details are still fresh. If an injured employee later tells a different story, it’s important to have an accurate record.”


93⟩ Explain what are 4 Ps?

☛ Procedure – Rules, regulation

☛ Protective gear – PPE

☛ Promotional aspects – Competitions, rewards

☛ Publicity – Bulleting, posters


97⟩ Explain what is safety tag?

Safety tag can be defined a surface made of card board or paper board on which English local languages letters written for warning safety instructions to employees.