Front Desk Representative

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“Front Desk Representative related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Front Desk Representative. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

84 Front Desk Representative Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us how long will you work for Hotel ABC if you’re hired?

Turnover is often a major challenge for hospitality employers. They don’t want to spend the hotel’s time and resources to train you if you don’t intend to stay for long. You can reiterate your response to the previous question and assure the hiring manager that you see yourself working for Hotel ABC for a long time. However, if there is a reason you may need to leave in the near future—a cross-country move or going back to school for example—be honest. Accepting a position and then disappointing your employer by moving on too soon could be worse for your career in the long run.


2⟩ Tell me why do you think that people choose our hotel?

Interviewers will love to hear good things about their hotel. So share with them the hotel's strong points. Visit the hotel website to know their specialties. After that only you will be able to honestly compliment the most positive things about hotel to impress your interviewer.


3⟩ Explain me what would you do if a guest complaint about your service?

Unhappy guest are bad news for any company or hotel, and it only takes one of them to shatter a perfectly good day at work for everyone. Whatever the cause, unhappy customers are still our guests and our hope for future business, and we want them happy again. So you may say that you would :

☛ Listen to the customer, and do not interrupt them.

☛ Thank the guest for bringing the problem to your attention.

☛ Sincerely convey to the guest your apology.

☛ Determine what the guest is seeking as a solution.

☛ Act on the solution with a sense of urgency. Guest will often respond more positively to your focus on helping them immediately versus than on the solution itself.


4⟩ Explain me how would you measure your performance on this job?

Performance appraisal has become a continuous process by which an employee's understanding of a company's goals and his or her progress toward contributing to them are measured. Performance measurement is an ongoing activity for all managers and their subordinates. This is quite straight question, discuss about the key performance indices against which your performance was rated. This also shows your suitability for the position. You may say that the performances can be measure as set of goals that achieve by person in his life. Performances measured by achieving self-satisfaction with our work. So I feel satisfaction is the measure of performance.


5⟩ Explain me a time when you had to deal with an unhappy hotel guest. How did you handle the situation?

When presented with situational interview questions like this one, it’s important to create a clear and concise answer that describes the problem you encountered, the steps you took to address it, and the ultimate solution. Stay positive and show that you learned something from the situation whenever possible.


7⟩ Tell us what do you think are the responsibilities of the receptionist in hotel?

Basic research of hotels will help you more for answering this question. Basic responsibilities of hotel you can mention in your answer are :

☛ Make guests feel welcome, manage room bookings (also known as reservations)

☛ Dealing with bookings by phone, e-mail, letter, fax or face-to-face

☛ Completing procedures when guests arrive and leave

☛ Dealing with special requests from guests (like booking theatre tickets or storing valuable items)

☛ Dealing with complaints or problems

☛ Choosing rooms and handing out keys

☛ Preparing bills and taking payments

☛ Answering questions about what the hotel offers and the surrounding area.

☛ Show your full knowledge in short that how much you aware about the working of hotel.


8⟩ Explain me how long will you work for our hotel if hired?

When you respond, be sure to frame your answer so that it's positive. Let the interviewer know clearly how much and why working for them is very attractive to you so you may say that you want to stay for a long time as long as your presence is beneficial for your hotel and guests as well as mine.

For example you may say:

☛ I would like to pursue my career here for as long as I have the opportunity to.

☛ I would like to remain employed here for as long as my services are needed.

☛ I like new challenges and a chance to grow. As long I keeping getting these, I don't think I'll need to switch over.

☛ This hotel has everything I'm looking for. It provides the type of work I love, the employees are all happy, and the environment is great. I plan on staying a long time."


9⟩ Explain me what makes a good receptionist?

As we already discussed above about some unique qualities which can make a receptionist good. These are:

☛ Excellent written and spoken communication skills

☛ Patience and tact

☛ The ability to use computerised technology effectively

☛ Good problem solving skills

☛ The ability to stay calm under pressure and look after several things at once

☛ Strong customer service skills

☛ The ability to adapt to different guests

☛ A friendly and professional telephone manner.

You not only need to mention these qualities but also need to learn these qualities so you will be able to prove yourself good and better then others


10⟩ Suppose a guest asks you for local restaurant and entertainment suggestions. Where would you recommend if they were a single business traveler, young couple or family with children?

Front desk agents and concierges are not the only hotel staff guests turn to for advice. Before any interview, make sure you’re familiar with local attractions and think about those that would best appeal to a variety of travelers.


13⟩ As you know this is a job that requires extensive interaction with people. Can you describe your customer service experience?

I’ve had a great deal of experience working with the general public and delivering customer service. When customers were in need of something, I worked hard to answer their questions, and if I didn’t know the answer, I found someone who did. Essentially, I try to make people feel as though they are welcome, and I listen to customers. When someone is not happy, I simply ask them questions to find out how I can help.


14⟩ Tell me what are your strong points?

This receptionist job interview question can help you with polishing some of the qualifications and skills that you have already enlisted inside your interview. You should come up with persuasive answers so that the interviewer is convinced that you can handle the job easily. So when you are answering this question, you have to speak of your friendly nature, your level of confidence, your communication level and patience. You can always add a few strong points and give more evidence regarding your previous experiences and how well you have scored in them. That will make things much easier for you!


16⟩ Please explain in brief about your strengths and skills?

Here are some qualities and strengths that you will want to highlight in this section as a receptionist or someone who is working at the front desk office. Employers during this point want to see what you are all about. So make sure to speak about your organizational skills, about maintaining a good and positive attitude. Third, speak about your communication skills, dependability, computer fluency and technology skills. Before you answer this question properly, make sure to touch upon a few topics like professionalism, how good you are at things like multitasking and how customer service oriented are you. These points really matter so don’t forget to mention them.


17⟩ Tell us what is your typing speed when using word processing software?

This question sound general but it's not. Typing Skills are more Important Than Ever! Today interviewers use the term ? typing skills? but they're really talking about? keyboarding? skills. Minimum typing speed of 40 words per minute with excellent verbal and written communication skills is required in receptionist job. And speed and accuracy can only come from training your fingers to know the exact location of every key on the keyboard so for this you need to practice it as much as possible. Your interviewer wantto know how fast you can type and how organized you are and for answering this question you may say that your typing speed and skills are very good, and constantly improving.Typing come naturally to you, you have always been good at multi tasking. And forget to mention your typing speed which must be between 38-50 WPM(word per minute).


19⟩ Tell us do you think you are overqualified for this position?

With a little preparation you can turn this question around and demonstrate the benefits to the hotel if you are given the job, rather than purely focusing on why you want it. So avoid saying like ?I can't find anything else and I really need a job?, even though that may be the case. That sounds frustration. State that I am are very well qualified for the position. Even if I m overqualified for this job it is better for your school as well as me for future prospective. Overqualified person does not lose, he stays ahead of

others. For example:

☛ According to me None are over Qualified for any kind of Position, Instead they can Learn Much More Things and makes them to move forward.

☛ No, Sir I don't think so. Because I am always a learner and my learning never ends. So At any instances of time I get myself upgraded and try to promote myself and adapt to the working environment. So I am not over-Qualified.


20⟩ Tell me why are you applying for this job and leaving your current position?

This is a very common question. In case you have been terminated, you should answer this question in a positive manner. You should never leave a bad impression by saying something bad to a former employer. You should say that you love having challenges in your life and the time has come for you to broaden your perspective and accept bigger and better challenges. You should also speak of your previous experiences. You could also say that the previous employer and you both have decided that it was best if you start looking at a few new opportunities that will fit your talents, abilities and skills. You are also confident that this opportunity is an excellent fit. You have a lot of experiences and ideas that could be brought out to the table to be discussed.