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“MCSE Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) refers to the broad certification program for Microsoft, although it can also refer to an individual candidate who had completed any one exam within the program (subject to some exclusions). This MCSE Interview Questions and Answers will help you to get preparation of MCSE job or MCSE Certification. This MCSE Interview Questions and Answers guide is based on research and latest techniques.”

333 MCSE Questions And Answers

41⟩ What is Digital Signatures?

Digital signature is an attachment to an electronic message used for security purpose. It is used to verify the authenticity of the sender.


42⟩ What is Ethernet technology?

Ethernet technology is a high speed broadcast bus technology. In this type, all the station shares a single ether channel and receives every single transmitted signal.


44⟩ Explain token ring technology.

In this technology, all the devices are arranged in a circle. A token moves around the circular network. A device waits for the token before it sends its frame. Once it receives token, it initiates transmission of its frame.


45⟩ What is CSMA and CD concept?

In CSDA (carrier sense multiple access), presence of any digital signal in a network is checked before transmission. Data transmission occurs only when no signal is sensed.

CD, Collision detection is responsible for monitoring carrier in order to avoid signal jam.


46⟩ What is NetBIOS protocol?

NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System) Protocol allows applications on separate computers to communicate over a LAN. It runs over TCP/IP giving each computer in the network a NetBIOS name and IP address. E.g. It can be used for computers running Windows 2000 (or before) to join a computer network running Windows 2000 (or later).


47⟩ What is IGMP protocol?

Internet Group Management Protocol, allows internet hosts to multicast. i.e. to send messages to a group of computers. There may be a group of internet hosts interested to multicast. IGMP allows router to determine which host groups have members on a given network segment. It helps to establish group memberships. It is commonly used for streamlining videos and gaming. The protocol can be implemented both as a host side and router side. The host side is responsible to notify its membership in a group. The notification is made to a local router. This local router (router side) in turn sends out queries.


48⟩ Explain PPP protocol.

Point to Point protocol helps communication between 2 computers over a serial cable, phone line or other fiber optic lines. E.g. Connection between an Internet Service Provider and a host. PPP also provides authentication. PPP operates by sending Request packets and waiting for Acknowledge packets that accept, reject or try to change the request.

The protocol is also used to negotiate on network address or compression options between the nodes. PPP has a number of phases as below:

* Link dead: - takes place when the connection fails.

* Link Establishment Phase: - Used to establish connection. If authentication is desired, it moves to next phase.

* Authentication Phase: - Allows the nodes to authenticate each other.

* Network-Layer Protocol Phase: - here, the network control protocols come into play. Data transport, closing of the protocols takes place in this phase.

* Link Termination Phase: - here, the connection is terminated.


49⟩ What is TCP / IP protocol?

Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol: - It is a family of protocols used for communication and connection between hosts on the internet. It is the most widely used standard for transmitting data over the internet. The four layers in the protocol are (from bottom to top):- Physical layer, Data link layer, Network layer, transport layer and application layer, also called as the OSI model. In TCP/IP , IP is responsible for forwarding packets while TCP ensures the correct delivery of data from client to server. TCP detects loss of data as well.


50⟩ What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?

FTP is File Transfer Protocol. It used to exchange files on the internet. To enable the data transfer FTP uses TCP/IP, FTP is most commonly used to upload and download files from the internet. FTP can be invoked from the command prompt or some graphical user interface. FTP also allows to update (delete, rename, move, and copy) files at a server. It uses a reserved port no 21.


51⟩ What is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)?

HTTP or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is provides a set of rules to transfer files, videos, images over the world wide web. When the web browser is opened, a HTTP request call is made. A web server contains a HTTP daemon. This daemon is used to wait for HTTP requests and handle them when they arrive. The web browser from where HTTP requests are made is called as a client. These requests are sent to the server. It uses a reserved port no 80.


52⟩ What is NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)?

NNTP or Network News Transfer Protocol is used to manage the notes posted on Unset newsgroup (a collection of posted notes on a subject posted by different users). NNTP servers are responsible for managing Usenet newsgroup collected globally. A NTTP client is a part of the web browser also called as a news reader. It uses a reserver port no 119.


53⟩ What is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)?

SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to send email messages between servers. The messages are retrieved using email clients. SMTP is more commonly used to send messages from a mail client to a mail server. And hence the email client like POP needs to be configured. Hence, SMTP is used to send emails while POP or IMAP are used to receive messages. It is usually operated on port25 on the internet.


54⟩ What is POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)?

POP3 or Post Office Box 3 is used fro receiving emails. It is a client server protocol which holds the email. Once the email is downloaded from the server, POP3 deletes it from the server. Ordinal numbers are used to identify specific messages.


55⟩ What is SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)?

SNMP or Simple Network Management Protocol is typically used for managing the network. Managing the network includes managing the nodes present in the network. These nodes may be server, routers, bridges and hubs. SNMP agents are used to achieve this. Managing the network is essential because it helps to monitor network performance, detect network faults or failures, audit network usage etc. the SNMP messages like TRAP, GET or SET may be invoked by network elements or network management system.


56⟩ What are the basic components of routers?

Components of Router

Internal components:

* ROM:- Used to store the routers bootstrap details, operating system software.

* Flash memory: - holds the operating systems images. The content is retained when the router is restarted.

* RAM: - Used to store the Routing tables, configuration files, caching and buffering details. Content is lost when lost router is switched off or restarted.

* NVRAM:- Stores the routers startup config files. Data is non volatile.

* Network interfaces to connect router to network.

External components:

* Virtual terminals: For accessing routers

* Network management stations


57⟩ What is Routing table?

A routing table stores the routes of the various nodes in a network. Nodes can be any electronic device connected to the network. The table is usually stored in a router or the network computer as a database or file. This information helps to fond the best possible path. The routing table has at least 3 fields: the destination network id, cost of the path, next hop or address to send the packet.


58⟩ What is Routing Protocols?

Routing protocols are used to assist in achieving the basic purpose of routing. They specify the routers the method to communicate with each other. They help the routers select the best possible path between nodes. There are different types of protocols such as link-state routing protocols, path vector protocols and distance vector routing protocols. These protocols prevent routing loops to form or break if formed already. They help to decide preferred routes from a sequence of hop costs.


59⟩ What is Distance Vector Routing Protocols?

The main goal of Distance Vector Routing Protocols Is to find out the best path for he data packet to reach the destination. Distance here could be the hops. The three different types of Distance Vector routing protocols include:- Routing Information Protocol (RIP v1 and v2) and Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. The protocol is easy to manage however not well scalable.

The Distance Vector protocol initially prepares a Routing table which is shared with other routers. This routing table is shared between routers present in the same network. A new routing table is prepared when some new information is received from some other router. Now, the bad routing paths are removed keeping only the smallest hop paths. This new table is then communicated to other routers.


60⟩ Describe the basics of internet routing.

When a source sends a packet to a destination, this packet has a specific path or route it follows. Different routing protocols are used to find the shortest path to the destination. The protocols maintain routing tables. Routing tables consist of a set of rules used to determine where these packets will travel. When a packet is received, a network device examines the packet and matches it to the routing table entry providing the best match for its destination. The packet keeps hopping until it reaches its destination.