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“MCSE Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) refers to the broad certification program for Microsoft, although it can also refer to an individual candidate who had completed any one exam within the program (subject to some exclusions). This MCSE Interview Questions and Answers will help you to get preparation of MCSE job or MCSE Certification. This MCSE Interview Questions and Answers guide is based on research and latest techniques.”

333 MCSE Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain the core naming mechanism, Domain Name System (DNS).

A Domain Name system is used to convert the names of the website on the internet to IP addresses. The domain names for each IP addresses are stored in a database that is distributed across different servers. A domain name space consists of a tree of domain names. The tree has zones. Zones consist of a collection of connected nodes. These nodes are served by a name server. A domain name is usually in the form of Here, .com is the top level domain. Where as mydomain is the sub domain or subdivision. A host name is a domain name that has one or more IP addresses associated with it.


22⟩ What are network topologies? Explain Ring, Bus and Star topology.

A network topology describes the layout of a network. It describes how different nodes and elements are connected to each other. Different types of topology:

a. Ring:-

* All nodes connected with another in a loop.

* Each device is connected to one or more another device on either side.

b. Bus

* All nodes connected to a central and a common cable called as a back bone.

* In bus topology, the server is at one end and the clients are connected at different positions across the network.

* Easy to manage and install.

* If the backbone fails, the entire communication fails.

c. Star

* All nodes connected to a central hub.

* The communication between the nodes is through the hub.

* Relative requires more cables as compared to BUS. However if any node fails, it wont affect the entire LAN.


23⟩ Describe Application layer.

The application layer is located at the top of the TCP/IP protocol layers. This one contains the network applications which make it possible to communicate using the lower layers. The software in this layer therefore communicates using one of the two protocols of the layer below (the transport layer), i.e. TCP or UDP. In computer networking, an application layer firewall is a firewall operating at the application layer of a protocol stack.[1] Generally it is a host using various forms of proxy servers to proxy traffic instead of routing it. As it works on the application layer, it may inspect the contents of the traffic, blocking what the firewall administrator views as inappropriate content, such as certain websites, viruses, and attempts to exploit known logical flaws in client software, and so forth. An application layer firewall does not route traffic on the network layer. All traffic stops at the firewall which may initiate its own connections if the traffic satisfies the rules.


24⟩ Explain IP, TCP and UDP.

TCP – Transmission control Protocol is used to establish communication between nodes or networks and exchange data packets. It guarantees delivery of data packets in the order they were sent. Hence it is most commonly used in all applications that require guaranteed delivery of data. It can handle both timeouts (if packets were delayed) and retransmission (if packets were lost). The stream of data is transmitted in segments. The segment header is 32 bit. it is a connectionless communication protocol at the third level (network) of the OSI model.

IP – Internet protocol is used for transmission of data over the internet. IP uses IP addresses to identity each machine uniquely. Message is sent using small packets. The packet contains both the sender and receivers address. IP does not guarantee the delivery in the same order as sent. This is because the packets are sent via different routes. It is a connectionless communication protocol at the third level (network) of the OSI model.

UDP – User Data Protocol is a communication protocol. It is normally used as an alternative for TCP/IP. However there are a number of differences between them. UDP does not divide data into packets. Also, UDP does not send data packets in sequence. Hence, the application program must ensure the sequencing. UDP uses port numbers to distinguish user requests. It also has a checksum capability to verify the data.


25⟩ Explain the different classes of addresses supported by IP addressing.

Computers using the TCP/IP for communication are uniquely identified by a 32 bit address called as an IP address. The routers use the IP address information to forward the packet to the destination computer.

IP addresses are categorized as:

Private address: these IP addresses are used exclusively within a private network and not for public to see.

Public Address: these are registered IP addresses used for public.

Each IP address has a network address and a host address. IP addresses are expressed in four sets of three numbers, separated with dots. Each set is called as an octet because when converted to binary; it denotes eight binary


26⟩ Define DNS

The DNS translates Internet domain and host names to IP addresses. DNS automatically converts the names we type in our Web browser address bar to the IP addresses of Web servers hosting those sites. DNS implements a distributed database to store this name and address information for all public hosts on the Internet.


27⟩ Define Telnet

Telnet is the main Internet protocol for creating a connection to a remote server.


28⟩ Define SMTP

SMTP - Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers.


29⟩ What Is a MAC Address?

MAC (Media Access Control) addresses are globally unique addressed that are written into hardware at the time of manufacture. The MAC address is a unique value associated with a network adapter. MAC addresses are also known as hardware addresses or physical addresses. They uniquely identify an adapter on a LAN. MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal numbers (48 bits in length).


30⟩ MAC vs. IP Addressing

Whereas MAC addressing works at the data link layer, IP addressing functions at the network layer (layer 3). It's a slight oversimplification, but one can think of IP addressing as supporting the software implementation and MAC addresses as supporting the hardware implementation of the network stack. The MAC address generally remains fixed and follows the network device, but the IP address changes as the network device moves from one network to another.


31⟩ Define Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP)

Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) as defined in the IEEE 802.1D is a link management protocol that provides path redundancy while preventing undesirable loops in the network. For an Ethernet network to function properly, only one active path can exist between two stations. Loops occur in networks for a variety of reasons. The most common reason you find loops in networks is the result of a deliberate attempt to provide redundancy - in case one link or switch fails, another link or switch can take over.


32⟩ What is VPN?

A VPN is a service that offers secure, reliable connectivity over a shared public network infrastructure such as the Internet. VPNs maintain the same security and management policies as a private network. They are the most cost effective method of establishing a virtual point-to-point connection between remote users and an enterprise customer's network.


33⟩ Define broadcast domain.

It is a logical area in a computer network where any computer connected to the network can directly transmit to any other computer in the domain without having to go through a routing device.


34⟩ Bridge vs switch.

A bridge connects two different LAN networks. A switch is something like you can connect many computers to a switch and then one computer can connect to another through the switch. Switch is a unicast one to one connection


35⟩ What is a Router?

A router is a device or sometimes a software in a computer which decides the next network point to which a packet should be forwarded to reach its destination on Internet. It is usually included as part of the network switch and is located at a gateway, including each point-of-presence on the Internet. The router is connected to at least two networks and determines which way to send each information packet based on its understanding of the state of the networks it is connected to.


36⟩ Define gateway.

A gateway is a network point that provides entrance into another network. On the Internet, a node or stopping point can be either a gateway node or a host (end-point) node. Both the computers of Internet users and the computers that serve pages to users are host nodes. The computers that control traffic within your company's network or at your local Internet service provider (ISP) are gateway nodes.


37⟩ What is firewall?

A firewall is a hardware or software installed to provide security to the private networks connected to the internet. They can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. All data entering or leaving the Intranet passes through the firewall which allows only the data meeting the administrators’ rules to pass through it.


38⟩ What are the types of firewalls?

Packet Filtering Firewall:

This type of Firewall detects packets and block unnecessary packets and makes network traffic release.

Screening Router Firewalls:

It's a software base firewall available in Router provides only light filtering.

Computer-based Firewall:

It's a firewall stored in server with an existing Operating System like Windows and UNIX.

Hardware base Firewall:

Its device like box allows strong security from public network. Mostly used by big networks.

Proxy Server:

Proxy server allows all clients to access Internet with different access limits. Proxy server has its own firewall which filters the all packet from web server.


39⟩ What is Data encryption?

Data encryption ensures data safety and very important for confidential or critical data. It protect data from being read, altered or forged while transmission.


40⟩ What is the Public Key Encryption?

Public key encryption use public and private key for encryption and decryption. In this mechanism, public key is used to encrypt messages and only the corresponding private key can be used to decrypt them. To encrypt a message, a sender has to know recipient’s public key.