Freelance Textile Designer

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“Freelance Textile Designer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Freelance Textile Designer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

155 Freelance Textile Designer Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is Alter?

Alter means to change the pattern or garment so that it fits the body and represents body measurements and proportions.


2⟩ What is Gathers?

Gathers meanstheTiny, soft folds of fabric formed when a larger piece of fabric is sewn to a smaller piece


4⟩ Tell me what is silk fiber?

Is a fine continuous strand unwound from the cocoon of a moth caterpillar known as the silk worm. Silk is composed of protein. Lustrous, smooth, light weight, strong, and elastic. Used for apparel home furnishings, and upholstery.


9⟩ Tell me what is cotton fiber?

The cotton fiber grows in the seepod, or boll or the cotton plant. Cotton yarn is used to make fabries for all type of apparel, home furnishings and industrial applications.


10⟩ What is Fiber?

Fiber, which is either spun (or twisted) into yarn or else directly compressed into fabric.


11⟩ What is Stitching?

Stitching in the technique of sewing a straight stitch inconspicuously in the seam well on the correct side of a previously stitched seam. Used to complete waist- bands, cuffs, collars, and French bias binding.


15⟩ Tell me what is Template?

Template is a shape made of a stiff sub- stance, such as freezer paper, usually the size of the finished design. (i.e., pocket, applique shape or quilt pattern)


17⟩ Tell me what is Tailoring?

Tailoring means the Construction technique requiring special hand sewing and pressing to mold fabric into a finished garment.


18⟩ What is Yoke?

Yoke is the fitted portion of a garment, usually at shoulders or hips, designed to support the rest of the garment hanging from it.


19⟩ Tell me what is Shrinking?

Constricting fabric with steam or water to eliminate excess in a specific area. Also done to fabric before cutting out a garment to prevent further fabric shrinkage.


20⟩ Explain what is seam?

Seam refers the Two or more edges of fabric held together by sewing. Seam should be well constructed and appropriate for the fabric, type of garment, and the location on the garment.