101⟩ What is Empire?
Empire is a High waistline bodice with a loose, straight skirt.
“Freelance Textile Designer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Freelance Textile Designer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”
Empire is a High waistline bodice with a loose, straight skirt.
Fitting to conform partly, but not too closely, to the shape of the figure.
Silhouette means the Outline or contour of a figure or garment.
In electrostatic printing a dye resin mixture is used, this mixture is spread on a screen bearing the design and then the fabric is passed into an electrostatic field under the screen. By effect of electro-static field, this dye resin mixture is pulled through the pattern area on the fabric.
Fly means the fabric used as lap to conceal an opening in a garment.
Hem is the finished portion on skirts, jackets and sleeves held in place with a hemming stitch.
To remove stitches improperly placed; also tearing fabric along the straight grain.
Closure means that which opens or closes a garment (buttons, snaps, etc., or the area on which they are Placed)
Asymmetrical means the One-sided, not geometrically balanced.
Dress with bodice details similar to a shirt.
☛ Glass,
☛ ceramic,
☛ graphite
Plain Seam is the Most common type of seam, Suitable for all areas of a garment and fabrics except for sheers and laces.
Ease is the even distribution of slight fullness when one section of a seam is joined to a slightly shorter section without forming gathers or tucks. Used to shape set-in sleeves, princess seams, etc.
Seam is joining of pieces of fabric together with stitching.
☛ Cotton,
☛ linen,
☛ jute,
☛ hemp
Drum lining is the Lining not sewn into garment seams.
Seam Allowance is the Width between fabric edge and seam line .
Bolt is the Unit in which fabric is packaged and sold by the manufacturer. Usually contains 12 to 20 yards.
Spandex is a special type of synthetic fiber made from a long chain of synthetic polymer known as polyurethane. It is also known as lycra and it’s more important characteristics is stretchability. It can stretch up to 500% to its normal size and its widely used for preparing sportswear.
A machine that overcasts and trims an edge simultaneously.