Freelance Textile Designer

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“Freelance Textile Designer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Freelance Textile Designer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

155 Freelance Textile Designer Questions And Answers

61⟩ Explain what is polyester?

Polyester fibers are thermo plastic, they have good strength and are hydrophobic, do not absorb water well. Used for a wide variety of apparel, home furnishings and industrial fabrics.


62⟩ Tell me what is Grade?

Grade means to reduce the bulk of enclosed seams by trimming the individu al seam allowances different widths, clipping inward curves and corners, notching convex curves, and trimming away excess fabric at outward corners.


63⟩ What is dart?

A stitched fold that provides shape and fullness to a garment so that it fits the curves of the body


71⟩ What is Under stitching?

Under stitching is Folding the entire seam allowance to the facing side or under- side and then stitching on the correct side of the facing close to the seam edge. This allows the seam to lie flat and keeps the seam edge from showing on the correct side of the garment.


73⟩ Tell me what is Roll?

Roll is the desired curve and fold (commonly on a collar); shaping established by pressing, pad stitching, etc.


77⟩ What is Tension?

Tension – Amount of pull on thread or fabric during construction. Also the relationship of the needle and bobbin thread and how they interlock to form the sewing machine stitch, creat- ing a balanced, looser or tighter stitch.