81⟩ Tell me two kinds of spinning machine?
Ring frame, mule frame.
“Freelance Textile Designer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Freelance Textile Designer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”
Ring frame, mule frame.
Crease is a line made by folding the fabric and pressing the fold on this specified line .
To create linen FLAX fibre is used
Different types of machines used in the textile industry are
☛ Cotton Gin
☛ Loom for weaving
☛ Knitting Machines
☛ Tufting Machines
Different types of cotton available are
☛ Grey cotton fabric
☛ Bleached cotton fabric
☛ Color or dyed cotton fabric
☛ Reduce the cost associated with quality problems
☛ Identify any non-conformity between the original product and pre-production sample
☛ Enhances the relationship with suppliers
Grosgrain means the Silk fabric or ribbon having heavy crosswise ribs.
A Soft surface with fibers that lie smoothly in one direction.
Enclosed seam means the seam allowance along a faced edge that is stitched and turned to form an enclosed seam between two layers of fabric.
Integrated Composite Spinning 84
Baste is the Stitches made by hand or machine to hold fabric pieces together temporarily.
Double-breasted means Front closing that overlaps enough to allow two rows of buttons.
Making straight cuts into the seam allowance is called clipping.
A narrow channel of fabric stitched together to form tuck design detail, used in French hand sewing.
Line means Style, outline or effect given by the cut and construction of a garment.
Seam binding is the Ribbon-like tape used to finish edges.
Gore i s a tapered section of a garment; wider at the lower edge.
Garment fitted with seams instead of darts.
Miter – To form a diagonal seam at a square corner.
Gusset is a fabric piece inserted at the un der arm to give ease in the sleeve area.