Freelance Textile Designer

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“Freelance Textile Designer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Freelance Textile Designer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

155 Freelance Textile Designer Questions And Answers

142⟩ Explain me how non-woven fabrics are made?

The non-woven fabrics are made by interlocking or bonding of fibers through mechanical, chemical, thermal or solvent means. Different types of fabric are used for nonwovens like wool, cotton, polyester, acrylic, etc.


143⟩ What is Dolman?

Dolman means the Sleeve set into a deep armhole so as to resemble a kimono sleeve.


144⟩ What is seam finish?

Seam Finish istheTreatment on seam edges to prevent raveling and make the seam stronger and last longer.


147⟩ Tell me what is Selvage?

Selvage is the Lengthwise finished edges on all woven fabrics. Running parallel to the lengthwise grain.


148⟩ Tell me what is linen fiber?

Linen fiber is obtained from the stoke of the flax plant linen yarn can be very strong and lustrous and in used for apparel, have furnishings and upholstery.


149⟩ Tell me what is Tufting?

Tufting is a type of method for textile weaving, which is done by pushing extra yarn into a fabric. In this process, many needles simultaneously punch the fabric at pre-determined distance for extruding the fibers. Tufting is usually done on carpets, blankets and upholstery.


150⟩ Do you know what is nylon?

Nylon is thermoplastic, resilient, elastic and very strong. It is used for a wide variety of apparel, have furnishings and industrials products.


154⟩ What is Topstitched Seam?

A plain seam with a row of machine stitching on one or both sides of the seam line is known as the top stitched seam.


155⟩ What is spandex?

Spandex fibers are extremely elastic. They are used for such purpose as foundation garments, hosiery, swim wear and sports wear.