121⟩ What is Applique?
Applique is A cut-out decoration, design or motif applied to base fabric.
“Freelance Textile Designer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Freelance Textile Designer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”
Applique is A cut-out decoration, design or motif applied to base fabric.
Fell stitch is a Neat, tiny, vertical stitches used in tailoring.
Self fabric means the same material as the rest of the garment.
Washing/dry-cleaning fabric to allow for shrinkage of fabric before the garment construction.
Items other than fabric or a pat- tern required to complete a garment, such as buttons, thread, zipper, etc.
Dart is a tuck in the fabric that helps in fitting the garment over the body curve.
Fusible web is a web-like adhesive that melts when you apply heat and moisture.
It is a silk fabric specially produced only in Japan but recently the reverse trend of importing this from China and Korea is increasing.
To bring notches or other construction markings on two pieces together.
Blind hem means the Sewing a hem invisibly with hand or machine stitches.
☛ Spectrophotometer: It is used to check the color of the fabric
☛ CCP ( Crucial Control Point): It is used to check raw material, stitch strength and fabric durability
☛ Quality Check by industrial governing body: In U.S.A, this body is known as Association for Contract Textiles (ACT). It often imposes standard for textile quality control
☛ Use of UltraViolet: The fabric is exposed to ultraviolet rays that simulate the sun’s ray to check its durability.
Seam allowance means the Width of fabric beyond the seam line, not including the garment area.
Casing is a folded-over edge of garment or area through which elastic or ribbon is threaded.
Finger press means the Pressing a small area by crease with the fingers.
A rounded neckline with an inverted, wedge-shaped opening at front or back.
Ravel means the fray in the cutting edges of the fabric.
Sewing backward and forward in the same place to secure stitching, is known as Backstitching.
A Part of a garment that turns back, especially the front neck- line fold of a jacket.
A textile manufacturer requires following things
☛ Knowledge of how to operate and manage robotic machinery
☛ Good knowledge of market and dealing with textile supplier, textile exporter and importer
☛ Dealing with a high cost of repairing and obtaining equipment
☛ Labor costs of acquiring highly trained workers needed to operate this machinery
☛ Acquiring raw material and negotiation skills
Cutting raw edges with pinking or scalloping sheers to prevent raveling.