Freelance Textile Designer

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“Freelance Textile Designer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Freelance Textile Designer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

155 Freelance Textile Designer Questions And Answers

42⟩ Tell us how polyester is made?

Polyester is a pure synthetic material made from ethylene; it is derived from petroleum residue. It is prepared in four basic forms filament, staple, tow and fiberfill.


44⟩ Explain what is Join?

A term used in pattern directions that usually means to stitch together the pieces re ferred to using normal seam allowances and regular stitches.


46⟩ What is Finish?

Finish is any means of completing a raw garment edge to keep it from raveling, rolling or fraying.


48⟩ What is Peplum?

Peplum is a Small flounce or extension of garment around the hips, usually from the bodice.


51⟩ Explain me what are the physical types of fibers?

The physical types of fibers are

☛ Staple fibers: Fiber which is practically limited or finite length is called “Staple Fiber.” These are small length fiber like wool, cotton, jute, etc. It may be man-made or natural.

☛ Filament fibers: Fibers with unlimited or infinite length are called filaments. It may be natural like silk or synthetic like nylon.


55⟩ Tell me what is Batik Dyeing process?

Batik Dyeing process based on the principle of resisting dyeing process. In this technique, wax is used to design on the fabric and then immersed into a dye, and excluding wax parts the fabric will absorb the color.


57⟩ What is Bias?

Bias is the Diagonal direction of fabric. True bias is at a 45-degree angle to the grain line.


60⟩ What is Colorfast?

Colorfast means the Fabric that will not fade or run during cleaning or laundering.